Everyone has the right to hold their personal beliefs but…

Dear Atheist Republic,

I do not think that it's unfair to call religions fiction, since they are often promoted by using accounts which could very well be made up. A person's belief in the principles of the religion are not being mocked, rather its the fantastical, often unbelievable stories on which these principles are based that are being ridiculed. For example, children's stories are usually quite stupid. The morals that the children learn from these stories are very wise and important. So, if I think that the story of the Pied Piper is not based on true events or the story of the Boy who cried wolf is fiction, I am not actually insulting anyone who reads or likes these stories. In fact, I would like kids to learn their morals through stories. But, I should be able to call it fiction. I, personally have been following many good rules and principles which I later realized have also been taught by Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammad without ever having read their holy books. And many of these are stories and anecdotes, sometimes completely made up with no way of proving they actually happened. The point of religions using mythical incidents and stories was similar to the use of children's story books, to teach the morals. Everyone has the right to hold their personal beliefs but those beliefs are open to being called fiction without the evidence to prove that these beliefs
are based on real incidents.

- Tushar Sharma

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