When there are followers demanding (and aggressively) shoving their beliefs down our throats or even influencing our governments/system in negative ways that will prove disastrous for other non-believers, we our entitled to criticize their beliefs and ideals in hope of letting individuals realize the truth and bring them to their senses. That is all we are doing, we do not try to impose rationality onto them, but ask questions that hopefully will make them question their own beliefs on their own terms. We atheists feel very strongly when religion carries out backward, barbaric actions against our own because we feel threatened and in fear of losing all equalities and freedom of thought. That's normal. How do we feel when they spread hateful, violent messages that state wanting to behead, torture and destroy those who don't join or convert to their side? We feel outraged, disgusted and offended of course. We do the exact same thing when they feel their god/prophet/beliefs are in jeopardy.
If they are offended, well I'm sorry, their belief system is based on nothing but myths and fantasies glorified by violence, slavery, rape etc that got out of hand and they can't expect me to accept and tolerate that for the sake of peace when they feel it be right to attack my non-belief. Maybe it means their original faith isn't as solid or strong in the first place? But then on top of that, they might resort to physical violence to defend themselves. When that happens, what the hell are we supposed to do? That becomes one of the reason why we criticize their religion in the first place, to break away unnecessary emotionally-fueled violence and hatred. I, for one won't ever back off because I know it is working when they are on the defense. Atheists wishes are only to state truth and proof and want to clarify myth and misconception. No atheist should back off because they demand it. No one ever wants to be intimidated by something pre-historic and ancient as religion. They demand it because they want to eliminate resistance, regardless of any religion. They can throw off racism and discrimination cards, but I feel its a fear and scare tactic used illegitimately. Our human right should never be denied, through violence or words. Personal offense is their problem if they so strongly believe that nothing else matters. We are not attacking them, and we keep telling them that. We are simply putting the cold hard truth out there. They can choose to ignore it or defend their beliefs as civilly as possible.
But heck, don't expect me to back down. It's the 21st Century, there are reasons why we have equality, freedom and peace. There are reasons we believe men and women should be equal. Why we can vote. Demand better, efficient services that will help people. Protect ourselves. To create a better future. We just can't allow them to re-question everything when so much has been gained throughout the years, even when it costed us blood, pain, trauma and people's lives. If we didn't question and criticize them, we would devolve as humans. Then I feel this world no longer becomes safe.
Don't give in. Don't ever stop questioning. Curiosity is our nature. Remember that.
- Anonymous