By being available we’ll reach more people

I think the answer falls into a grey area and depends entirely on personal motive. If you value your Faithful friends and family, whilst already knowing it's pointless due to their convictions, then leave it well enough alone.

For example, I was discussing the ancient astronaut theory with a relative. I find this theory, however unlikely, as being far more plausible than Intelligent Design and she told me later as she was driving home that her entire life felt dark while considering the possibility, and that without God, she felt no meaning. If there were no "plan" and fate and heaven and hell, what would be the point? So she just disregarded our conversation and carried on as though it never occurred.

I believe when this is the case, what is the point? The more we make ourselves the target of hate, all the more reason for the Faithful to teach their kids were brainwashed by the devil and cannot fathom the grace of God. I believe by just being available, and ready to speak to those ready to listen, we will reach more people and eventually the dominoes will fall

- Andrea Renae

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