Atheist Republic's Archive of Atheism Blog Posts & Articles

The Atheist Republic international team of bloggers regularly writes atheist blog posts and articles about a variety of subjects including religion, atheist parenting, atheist kids, current events, ethics and morality, community and commentary on news stories of interest to atheists. Our writers hail from a variety of backgrounds and write from their own unique histories providing a diverse wealth of experiences. We welcome you to read the posts and engage with them in the comments section. You can also click on the author’s name to see the other posts they've written.

Some of the best discoveries are “accidents” on the way to something else. Take the Super Supercapacitor for example. In an attempt to create one thing, they discovered something that became something else even more spectacular.

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by Matty Arnold

Arguments like “God isn’t science, it’s more than that” are intrinsically poor, but the very fact that they have no value means that they cannot be outcompeted. There is no counter to something that effectively has no meaning, and like matter and antimatter annihilating when they meet; logic and illogic annihilate any otherwise intelligent argument and leave both people locked in a stalemate.

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by Makeesha Fisher

Built into Christian theology and praxis, is a celebration of persecution for one’s beliefs. Christians claim a long history of martyrs, and a quick scan of the New Testament alone reveals at least a dozen verses extolling the value of persecution and encouraging the faithful to endure. However, some claims of persecution have popped up lately that I think warrant a response. Disagreement does not equate to persecution.

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Islamophobia suggests that the religion is exempt from criticism. In reality, no institution is above reproach, and critical discourse should never be silenced by apologists.

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by Matty Arnold

It doesn’t matter which God, so for argument’s sake let’s say he is Jehovah, Yahweh, the Holy Father - the God of the Bible and of the Christian faith. Of the hundreds of religions followed around the world, it just so happens that the Christians were right after all. God exists, and he is all-powerful and all-knowing. Therefore, he should be praised and worshipped and prayed to, for he made the Earth and everyone on it, so on and so forth.

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There are several reasons why I simply don’t argue with creationists anymore. The first among them being time. There was a time when evolution was unconfirmed. There was a time when we didn’t have thousands of fossils. There was a time when we had no genetic evidence of evolution whatsoever. There was a time when the evidence for evolution was not readily available to the general public. That time has long since passed.

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by Makeesha Fisher

One of the things that ultimately led me away from religion was the added layers I noticed were utterly superfluous. Religion definitely played a role in my life but analyzing all of life’s experiences through a lens of religion became exhausting. When I left religion, I experienced freedom I didn't know was possible.

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by Makeesha Fisher

“Why can’t atheists just leave religious people alone? What difference does it make to them anyway?” This is a common complaint levelled against the non-religious. Sometimes I have these thoughts too. What harm is it really? And then I remember my childhood and think about the encounters my kids have had with religious kids. I remember the fear and anxiety, the pressure to proselytize and the way my Christian friends treated others.

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by Makeesha Fisher

Atheist parenting, like all parenting, requires many tools. Atheists face some unique challenges in our parenting since most of us live in communities dominated by religious ideology. Here I attempt to provide you with some of my favourite resources for parents and kids alike.

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I have heard atheists accused of many things. In this post I address the accusation that atheists lack imagination and can't tolerate mystery. Is it true that the "spiritual" amongst us have a greater appreciation for mystery? If so, what's so great about mystery anyway?

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The Value of Atheist Blogs

There is social stigma that surrounds atheism in many communities, a stigma which causes many atheists to hide their true selves rather than proclaim their views proudly and in public.

Fortunately, not every atheist feels this way, and there are a few atheist bloggers maintaining blogs on a variety of atheist-related topics. These are valuable resources for other atheists, and it is well worth exploring them for the advice, life experience and information they contain.

What Atheist Blogs Might Contain

Not every atheist blogger blogs about atheism directly. There are many topics that might interest atheists and topics that value from the viewpoint of a non-believer. Here are just some of the blogs you may find written by other atheists:

These are just a few of the many topics that might be covered by an atheist blogger. As you explore the world of atheist blogging, you may find a variety of topics that will interest you and appeal to your views about the world.

Why Read a Blog About Atheism?

Being an atheist can be lonely and isolating, especially if you must hide your beliefs from your friends and family; a community of those with similar beliefs can be truly beneficial to both the blogger and the readers. These blogs are especially helpful when they provide some real-world advice for living as an atheist in a religious word. It can be a challenge to find atheist-friendly parenting advice, for example, from other bloggers; seeking out atheist bloggers will yield far better results.

Another benefit of atheist blogging is the ability to learn about a wide array of viewpoints and personal philosophies. Unlike religions, where members must subscribe to specific beliefs, atheists come from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and philosophical principles. Reading about these different viewpoints can open your eyes to ideas outside of your own and help to generate interesting conversations with other readers and even friends and family outside of the blog.

Sharing a blog about various atheism topics can be a good way to bridge the topic with your family and bring up a discussion about your views on god and religion, providing you with a jumping-off point for valuable communication opportunities. You never know; you might even find after sharing a post that there are a few closet atheists in your social group.