UK Islamic Charity's Antisemitic & Sexist Agenda Exposed

A newly registered Islamic charity in the United Kingdom was reported to the Charity Commission for its social media posts, which were criticized for being antisemitic, anti-Christian, and misogynistic.

The Bedford Islaamic [sic] Centre was referred by the National Secular Society (NSS) for promoting hate speech. The center was registered under the charitable purpose of “the advancement of religion“ in December last year. Charities are required to operate for public benefit under British law.

However, the Islamic Center published several posts on social media that are full of antisemitic and sexist messaging. On one Facebook post on the charity’s page, the center warned Muslims against "pride and arrogance", which is the "way of the Jews".

Another post, quoting the Prophet Muhammad, stated: "May the curse of Allah be upon the Jews and the Christians," with the same post urging followers: "Don't stop warning against evil.”

The BIC also made another Facebook post, where it quoted an Islamic caliph and stated that there are three different types of women.

The first is "the chaste, Muslim, gentle, loving and childbearing woman." The second is "a vessel, she does nothing more than bear children." The third is "a shackle, Allah puts her around the neck of whomever he wills."

Bradford Islamic Center also posted multiple sermons of extremist preacher Abu Usama on its YouTube channel. Usama is known for his antisemitic and homophobic statements as well as his remarks that those who leave Islam should be killed in an Islamic state.

Another post on BIC’s Facebook page also warns of the "Dangers of Music", which it says is “haram [forbidden by Islamic law]" and is associated with "Shaytaan [satan].“ It also posted an advertisement for a weekly session on "black magic and jinns [demons].”

The Charity Commission has previously investigated another Islamic charity, East Birmingham Central Masjid, for promoting belief in black magic and ruqyah, an Islamic form of exorcism.

"BIC openly espouses antisemitism and misogyny. Any suggestion it is acting in the public benefit is completely farcical.” NSS spokesperson Alejandro Sanchez said.

The NSS also renewed its criticism of using “the advancement of religion“ in registering charities, calling for the government to renew it once again.

"At a time when social cohesion is already fraying, it is perverse that the public purse is subsidizing BIC to sew division and hatred. The 'advancement of religion' as a charitable purpose is allowing faith groups to spew extremism with impunity. It must be urgently reviewed." Sanchez said.

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