Suzanne Atanus, Republican candidate for the United States House of Representatives in Illinois, said dementia and autism are God’s punishment for practices like abortion and LGBT rights. According to a report in Chicago Daily Herald on January 22, Atanus said God is angry at the United States and he has sent scourges like dementia and autism to punish its people.
She also said she believes God controls the weather and he has put tornadoes on earth to punish those who engage in premarital sex and fight for gay rights. According to her, such calamities are evidence of God’s wrath.
“I am a conservative Republican and I believe in God first. God is angry. We are provoking him with abortions, same-sex marriage, and civil unions. Same-sex activity is going to increase AIDS. If it's in our military it will weaken our military. We need to respect God,” said Atanus while endorsing herself.
Atanus is seeking a Republican nomination for the 9th Congressional District in Illinois against David Earl Williams III, who is a first-time candidate as well as a US Navy veteran. During his endorsement, Williams who is undoubtedly more moderate in his views said that AIDS is transmitted by unsafe sexual practices in all people, not just homosexuals. He also admitted to taking offence to Atanus’ comments since he happens to be a veteran.
Atanus, who is 55 years old, has run for this office twice in the past. In 2010, she lost the GOP primary; in 2012, she was taken off the ballot for not gathering sufficient valid signatures.
Photo Credits: Wikipedia

Dean Van Drasek
If its all punishment from god, then it should only be focused on the sinners, right? So how does she explain how righteous Christian families suffer from these calamities and diseases too?
See articles by Dean Van Drasek