Kenneth Alfred "Ken" Ham (born October 20, 1951) is an Australian-born Christian fundamentalist and young Earth creationist living in the United States. He is president of Answers in Genesis (AiG), a Creationist apologetics organization that operates the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Ham believes that the Book of Genesis is historical fact. Despite scientific evidence and consensus that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and the Universe about 13.8 billion years old, Ham believes the age of the Universe to be about 6,000 years.
In an interesting post on Facebook, on February 24, Ken Ham gave his view of atheistic thinking:
“Christians are happy to teach children regarding various views of origins, but atheists want children taught naturalism to the exclusion of all others. Atheists are so insecure they don't want anyone seeing nativity scenes, crosses, etc. as they don't want people to think for themselves. My children know more about evolution than most evolutionists--we're not afraid to teach them about how to understand different views. Atheists are afraid to let people be taught to think critically about origins, as people would then understand evolution's a religion. They can't have their belief critically analyzed so they legislate to protect it in public schools.”
As everyone can see, this post reverses the real situation. Evolution is critically analyzed all the time and the evidence in support of the general idea has never been stronger. That’s not the situation with Creationism which can never be analyzed because the Bible can never be questioned.
There are many facts that confirm that Creationism shouldn’t be taught in schools. For example, Creationists argue that two-model education stimulates students. No doubt it does, but religious pseudoscience is not the only possible educational stimulant. Real controversies in science are far more preferable in this age of rapid scientific progress. After all, science is based on theories which are getting stronger over time or being replaced by better theories. Creationism never changes, never improves, and can never be challenged and that is the main reason why Creationism mustn’t enter classrooms.
Photo Credits: Skyvington