Why There Is No God

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Why There Is No God
Why There Is No God

Why There Is No God: Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for the Existence of God - Armin Navabi

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This book is written for atheists, believers and the undecided who find the concept of God an important one to examine critically and worth discussing. This book acts as a basic introduction to the debate about God, proving a springboard for new ideas to be formed and discussed.

For the already-convinced atheist, this book can help you better articulate your point of view in discussions, giving you guidance for how the reasoning behind your disbelief in God can be discussed. As an atheist, you're bound to encounter some or all of these arguments eventually when interacting with believers; understanding these arguments and seeing how others have approached them in logical ways can help you handle the same discussions.

As a believer, you may find that you disagree with much of what is said here, and that's okay. Reading this book will allow you to see what many atheists believe and how some people may question the beliefs that you hold. If you plan to defend your faith in discussions, this book can help you understand the reasoning behind the lack of belief in your opponents. Knowing this will help you debate from a more informed position, and the atheists you talk to may appreciate the fact that you've taken time to understand and consider their arguments. Knowing and appreciating the opponent's point of view can help you start a productive discussion regarding God and religion in a more constructive way.

For people who are yet undecided on the subject of God, the arguments in this book can help provide a baseline for discussion or further research about the existence of God. By reviewing many of the common arguments for the existence of God and rebuttals to them, you will have a solid foundation to use as the base of your own analysis, research and reflection.

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ImFree's picture
Because theists can't provide
io_luca's picture
I am an atheist, but from the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea the title sucks and is
boomer47's picture
@Jeffe Vella Leone
Fernand Strongville's picture
It is going to be an iTunes
admin's picture
Added to iTunes, Link Added
Cherie Cannaday's picture
I am reading this book now. I
CyberLN's picture
Great job, Armin!
AntigoneRisen's picture
I do accept the argument from
Nižar Armanšya's picture
Johnathan Graham's picture
Loved this book, the focus on
Johnathan Graham's picture
Loved this book, the focus on
n7natnat's picture
Another book I found that I
John W. Ehret's picture
I have just finished Why
TomGee's picture
Most atheists know the
Michael Quigg's picture
The book has definitely been
Arthur R. Byrd's picture
Just read about half of the
Arthur R. Byrd's picture
I just published a book,
Cognostic's picture
I am dying to read your book.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sound great Dr. Byrd.
nerdsrule13's picture
I love this book!
Ensjo's picture
What about setting up a
luvnbeast's picture
I disagree with the whole
Cognostic's picture
@LuvnBeast: "I disagree
Fallen's picture
I don't need to read this
arakish's picture
It is still a good read. rmfr
noreason's picture
what are the properties of
Adrian's picture
We may as well read a massive
boomer47's picture
2 Cents
Cognostic's picture
@Cranky: RE: The existence


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