It is with heavy hearts that Atheist Republic bid farewell to a beloved champion of human rights in our international Atheist Republic community in Africa, Lynda Tilley.
Lynda served as a leader in the Atheist Republic's Consulate in Durban, South Africa. Her activism spanned a decade, and she served as a voice for the weak, oppressed, and voiceless throughout Africa. In Tanzania, she was endearingly called “Mamma Kelele,” which roughly translates to “Vociferous Woman” in Swahili.
After the Islamic State or ISIS lost many of its leaders and core territories in Iraq and Syria in 2019 and 2020, much of the world thought it had been defeated, essentially forgetting about the jihadist organization that terrorized many countries worldwide, primarily in the Middle East.
While countries such as the United States are seeing a decline in religiosity and certainty about belief in God, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is seeing a significant resurgence in religiosity, particularly among the country’s youth.
That’s according to the new results of the Arab Barometer’s seventh wave of surveys, conducted between 2021 and 2022. These surveys by the nonprofit research network aimed to get a view of rates of religious observance among those living in the Arab world.
The legislative body of the African Union is planning to implement new rules to protect victims of ritual attacks and prevent people accused of witchcraft from being harmed and abused.
The Pan-African Parliament, a body attended by representatives from 48 African countries, met in Johannesburg, South Africa, to discuss the adoption of extensive guidelines that seek to help governments across the continent by teaching them strategies on how to tackle dangerous superstitions linked to witchcraft that often leads to attacks and abuse.
On November 4, thousands of Muslims protested in Mali’s capital, Bamako, against a “blasphemous” video on social media.
Thousands of demonstrators thronged Mali's capital Bamako on Friday to protest the publication of a video on social media deemed blasphemous against Islam.
Wild lions and crocodiles have received recognition for killing ISIS insurgents fighting in Mozambique.
Wild animals living in the forest of northern Mozambique may have more experience killing Islamic militants than the pro-government forces currently fighting with the ISIS group.
In the Mopti region of central Mali, more than 130 civilians were killed in attacks by suspected Jihadists. Armed men massacred innocent civilians in Diallassagou and the two surrounding towns of Diamwelli and Segue. The government blamed the Islamist extremist group Macina Katiba.
Amnesty International published a report on March 23, 2022, shedding light on Libya’s dreadful persecution of young Libyans upholding their right to freedom of expression. The report also criticized the Libyan government for the alleged forced-confession videos.