In an October 21 episode of the radio show Liveline , an upset caller complained about a mobile coffee shop set up in the church grounds calling it blasphemous. According to the show, the coffee shop trailer was set up outside the St Peter’s Church in Phibsborough, but it was inside the railings of the church grounds.
Atheist urges Irish government to change survey question about kid’s faith because they are to young to give accurate answer to that.
Northern Ireland fitted in with the rest of UK; marriage equality becomes law there; the first billboards promoting legal same-sex marriage erected.
American preacher (Steven Anderson) with extreme anti-gay views became the first person banned from Ireland by exclusion powers dating from 1999.
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has adopted a new policy that means same-sex couples will no longer be able to have their children baptized.
Ireland's government will hold a referendum in October to remove the punishment for blasphemy from its Constitution.
Exit polls in Ireland suggest that the margin of victory for the Yes side in the referendum about abortion will be 68 percent to 32 percent.
A national referendum in Ireland would challenge so-called Eighth Amendment that gives unborn fetuses and pregnant women an equal right to life.
Ireland - Students who opt out of religious classes can’t learn anything else during those lessons and they can just sit there wasting their time.