
Shocking Islamist Marches Have Germany on Edge

Around two weeks after they organized a demonstration in Hamburg in April, which included calls for a caliphate to be established in Germany, the Islamist group Muslim Interaktiv organized a new but strictly monitored rally on May 11th, where 2,300 people attended to protest against what they see is censorship against them by the German government.

Outrage as Newly Elected UK Councillor Screams 'Allahu Akbar'

A political party in the United Kingdom will be investigating its newly-elected councilor after he sparked backlash for making a speech celebrating his victory in a recent election, where he reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” (or God is the greatest in Arabic) and allegedly proclaimed that his election win is “for the people of Gaza.

Alarming: German Muslim Students Favor Sharia Over Country's Own Laws

A shocking new study in Germany determined that many schoolchildren are converting to Islam in German schools because many Christian students feel like outsiders and are desperate to try and fit in.

Canadian PM Slammed for Pushing 'Sharia-Compliant' Mortgages for Muslims

The Canadian government announced that it will explore options to broaden access to financing alternatives for homebuyers, including halal mortgages, as part of an initiative by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to support Canadians who want to become homeowners, including Muslim Canadians.

Jewish Woman Kidnapped and Raped in Horrific "Revenge for Palestine" Attack

A man in France was arrested and will be put on trial for allegedly kidnapping, raping, and making death threats against a French Jewish woman, with the suspect reportedly seeking revenge for Palestinians, local French media reported.

Iraq On the Verge of Legalizing "Kill the Gays" Law

Iraq’s Parliament recently postponed a plan to vote on a proposed bill passed on April 15th that would make same-sex acts punishable by death as the country’s prime minister is set to meet with US President Joe Biden over plans to increase investment in the Middle Eastern country.

Top US Intel Agency Bans "Jihadist" and "Radical Islamist" as Offensive

An internal document sent by the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) officials to a top intelligence agency in the United States warned personnel not to use “problematic phrases” and "biased language” when discussing foreign adversaries like China and Islamic terrorism, claiming that these phrases hurt the sentiments of Muslim Americans.

Chants of "Death to America" at Michigan Pro-Palestine Rally Spark Outrage

Videos that captured chants of "death to America" and "death to Israel" by some attendees and speakers of rallies in Dearborn, Michigan, and Houston, Texas, held on April 5 went viral on social media, emphasizing tensions over American support for Israel in its war against Hamas that began after the deadly attack on October 7th that killed 1,200 Israelis.
