An Iranian court has allegedly sentenced a famous Iranian singer and rapper to death on appeal for blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad, with the Iranian judiciary denying the reports made by local media.
After Israel and Hamas reached an agreement to a ceasefire on January 15th, after more than a year of war and devastation that left over 40,000 Gazans dead and virtually all of Gaza reduced to rubble, Khalil Al-Hayya, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, delivered a speech on Al-Jazeera, calling the war, which they called as “Al-Aqsa Flood war” a victory, adding that the October 7 attacks will continue to be a “source of pride” for Palestinians.
A former Conservative minister and an independent Muslim member of parliament (MP) sparked debates on cousin marriage in the United Kingdom after the MP opposed the former minister’s proposals to ban first-cousin marriages in the country.
Iranian authorities have sentenced a political prisoner to death and transferred him to solitary confinement ahead of his execution for blasphemy and for allegedly collaborating with Israel.
Iranian political prisoner Mohammad-Amin Mahdavi Shayesteh was transferred to a pre-execution solitary confinement cell.
While the West obsesses over Palestinians, this is what the Iranian people are facing:
Over the past three years, Iran has been accused of committing international human rights violations by carrying out an unprecedented number of amputations as punishment for theft.
Concerns have been raised in the United Kingdom after a member of parliament (MP) from the ruling Labour Party advocated for measures that would prohibit the desecration of religious texts and the prophets of the Abrahamic religions, which some critics considered a possible reintroduction of blasphemy laws in the country.
A man in northwestern Pakistan was arrested for allegedly insulting the Quran during a heated argument after police were alerted that an angry mob wanted to lynch the suspect.
Pakistan’s top body of clerics declared that virtual private networks or VPNs violate Islamic laws, Pakistani officials said on November 18th, as the country’s Ministry of Interior seeks to ban the service, which allows people to evade censorship in countries with strict Internet controls.
The most prominent Islamic scholar in Gaza has issued a rare but powerful fatwa condemning Hamas’s attacks on October 7 last year, where Hamas fighters killed 1,200 Israelis and took hundreds of Israelis and foreigners hostage, which also triggered a devastating war that killed over 45,000 Gazans.
Libya is seeking to reintroduce the morality police to the streets of its capital, Tripoli, to reinforce its "society's traditions,” along with a rollout of a massive crackdown on individual freedoms and women’s rights, sparking criticisms and concerns among human rights advocates and ordinary Libyans.