Kosaka Kumiko, nun at the Antonio Provolo Institute, a school for deaf children, is arrested on suspicion of helping priests sexually abuse children.
House Resolution 1004 passed without any debate on Monday in Oklahoma City equals abortion with a murder of innocent unborn children.
Public safety should trump the “rights” of others to use speech to incite violence either directly or indirectly.
A Ten year old Pakistani boy was killed when mob surrounded the police station to demand a supposed blasphemer to be handed over to them.
Female clerics issued an unprecedented fatwa against child marriage in Indonesia in order to stop young girls from getting married.
Bill Nye the Science Guy made a funny video using different flavors ice creams to mock ‘gay cure’ therapy and now receives death threats.
Hearts With A Mission, the only youth shelters in Jackson and Josephine counties, rejected a donation of $3,000 from Portland Gay Men’s Chorus.
Utah judge Thomas Low praised former LDS bishop Keith Vallejo before sentencing him for rape and forcible sexual abuse of his female relatives.
In India’s 2011 census, only 33,000 people declared themselves as nonreligious. India is a land of believers where atheists face hostility.
Ellinor Grimmark, the nurse in Sweden, must assist with abortions if she wants to keep her job, according to the Swedish court decision.