On Friday, October 29th, the Delhi High Court instructed Twitter to take down posts from the Atheist Republic account. The court refers to the "objectionable" tweets depicting the Hindu goddess Maa Kaali in a sensually revealing pose.
On Monday, October 25, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, the interior minister of Pakistan, made a bizarre claim about his country's cricket victory. In a video posted on Twitter, Ahmed claims that "Pakistan's triumph against India is a victory of Islam." "All Muslims throughout the world are rejoicing," he added.
At least seven people were confirmed killed during the violence last week in the city of Cumilla in the Chittagong Division, Bangladesh. On Wednesday, October 13, the city government deployed paramilitary troops for the Durga Puja festival, a significant Hindu festival in Bangladesh. Four Muslims were killed on Wednesday after the police opened fire on the crowd.
Lakhbir Singh, Dalit Sikh, was hung on a police barricade on October 15 in Singh. When the police found him, his left hand and feet were cut off. The police immediately brought him to the civil hospital, but he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Arbaz Mullah, an Indian Muslim, went missing on September 27, 2021; the next day, he was found headless on a railway track in the Belgavi district in Karnataka, India. The police are looking into the local Hindutva group that accuses Mullah of committing love jihad.
The economic marginalization of Muslims in India is becoming more apparent while their livelihood suffers frequent attacks from Hindu nationalists. The attacks encompass small-time ambulant vendors, shop owners, and even industrialized businesses.
Christian is to Christian fundamentalism, Islam is to Islamic fundamentalism, as Hindu is to Hindutva. In a feature article published by the Association for Asian Studies, Arvind Sharma called Hindutva "Hinduism on steroids," while also explaining that Hinduism is a religion while Hindutva is a political idea. Hindutva was first posited from the work of V.D. Savarkar and has been adopted by far-right political groups in India like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.
A wide range of religious organizations in the UK was subject to an inquiry investigation regarding child abuse. The inquiry revealed “shocking failures” and “blatant hypocrisies” in how these religions handle abuse allegations. Children are subjected to abuse of power and victim-blaming by religious leaders and, as a result, are often not reported.
Bajrang Dal, the youth arm of Vishva Hindu Parishad, burned a copy of the Kamasutra in front of a bookstore. According to Bajrang Dal, the Kamasutra has inappropriately depicted Hindu gods.