New Yale study found a link between falling for fake news and believing in delusions such as religious myths.
According to new Pew Research Center study, one-in-three Americans do not believe in the God as described in the Bible.
According to a new study, people are more likely to fall for religion if they experience low quality of life.
Hement Mehta reported on Alabama State Rep. Harry Shriver who considers the arming of schoolteachers as an ineffective way to protect students.
Morocco is known as a hotbed for the creation of recruits for terrorism. However, Morocco has not had a significant attack on its country since 2011.
The younger generation of Turks is starting to question the faith; conservatives are getting alarmed by the “plague” of deism and atheism.
New survey by the Gallup shows a steep decline in church attendance among U.S. Catholics, especially among those between 21 and 29 years.
According to Republican candidate for lieutenant governor in Idaho, punishing women with death penalty would cut abortions.
Instead of humanity progressing, people return to the past by reviving ‘the Earth is flat’ theory. Giordano Bruno, you burned for nothing!
One hardline Islamic school in Bangladesh has burned hundreds of cellphones in a bonfire because the mobile phones were distracting students.