
Canadian PM Slammed for Pushing 'Sharia-Compliant' Mortgages for Muslims

The Canadian government announced that it will explore options to broaden access to financing alternatives for homebuyers, including halal mortgages, as part of an initiative by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to support Canadians who want to become homeowners, including Muslim Canadians.

Malaysia's Ramadan Madness: Fines, Arrests, Shaming of Those Who Can't Fast

As Malaysia experiences a recent wider shift towards a more conservative form of Islam, religious authorities in the culturally diverse and multi-ethnic Southeast Asian nation are stepping up moral policing efforts to crack down on those who are violating the country’s laws on breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

Top London School Bans Muslim Prayer and Won’t Back Down

A prestigious London school is under fire after its headteacher, dubbed by the media as “Britain’s strictest teacher,” introduced a blanket ban on prayer on its premises. This has sparked debate on the place of religious rituals in schools, especially as the United Kingdom faces a more multicultural, multireligious future.


Alarming Poll Reveals Rising Holocaust Denial Among American Youth

New polling data published by YouGov and the Economist on December 7th revealed a shocking discovery: More and more young Americans believe that the Holocaust of the Jewish people perpetrated by Nazi Germany during the Second World War is a myth.

6 Teens Convicted in Beheading of French Teacher Accused of Blasphemy

More than three years after a French secondary school teacher was killed and beheaded by a Chechen Muslim refugee for showing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad during a class, a court in France has convicted six teenagers connected with the 2020 murder of Samuel Paty.

Shocking: Indian Teacher Forces Kids to Slap Muslim Student!

A teacher in India is being investigated by authorities after a video of her encouraging students to slap their seven-year-old Muslim classmate surfaced on social media, sparking outrage across the country.

NJ Court Upholds Catholic School's Firing of Unwed Pregnant Teacher

On August 14th, the Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled in favor of a Catholic school that fired an art teacher in 2014 because she became pregnant while unmarried, court documents have shown.

Oklahoma Faces Intense Backlash Over State-Sponsored Religious School!

After Oklahoma voted to establish the first-ever state-sponsored, virtual religious charter school in the United States last June, several civil rights groups have moved to oppose state funding for the institution, setting a fierce debate on religious liberties in public education.
