Ireland - Students who opt out of religious classes can’t learn anything else during those lessons and they can just sit there wasting their time.
Jacinda Ardern, young and charismatic agnostic woman, is on the verge of becoming New Zealand’s next Prime Minister, the third woman ever in the role.
Atheists win lawsuit against TX Governor Greg Abbott who ordered FFRF's winter solstice Bill of Rights Nativity to be removed from the Texas Capitol.
President Trump's executive orders let even more corporate executives to use their religious beliefs to deny employees women’s health services.
A Latin cross, located in the center of the Lehigh County seal is endorsing Christianity, the Judge Smith rules in favor of the atheists.
The controversial Singaporean YouTuber Amos Yee has finally been granted asylum after being in a U.S. detention facility since December.
A former Colorado student sues her school district for anti-atheist discrimination and seeks damages for economic losses and emotional distress.
The Humanist Society’s results showed that 72.4% of Scots are not religious, which raises concerns about Scottland’s official statistics on religion.
Many American identity groups are awfully concerned about one another, according to a new research released by researchers at Baylor University.
New research, conducted by National Centre for Social Research, shows that more than half of the British public have no religion.