According to a recent study, the ultra-religious southern states of America that oppose pro-gay legislation are also the states that watch the maximum amount of gay porn. The study carried out by PornHub revealed that it isn’t the states with comparatively liberal views that dote on gay porn but it is the rather conservative ones that do.
PornHub teamed up with BuzzFeed to find that the highest number of gay porn searches came from Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia – 5.58%, 5.44% and 5.38% respectively. Florida, Alabama and New Mexico were among the other states that were included in the list.
On an average, each southern state had more gay porn searches than the states, which allow same-sex marriages to take place. Simply put, states with gay marriage bans watch 7% more gay porn than states that allow gay marriages to take place.
However, some states that have legalized same-sex marriage also found place in the list. New York for instance had a high percentage and ranked fourth while California ranked sixth on the list released by PornHub and BuzzFeed. States like Montana, Alaska, Idaho and North Dakota fell below 3% and proved to be the states that obsess the least over gay porn.
A spokesperson from the team said that the results of the survey serve as a rundown of gay porn from male users. Since the study did not track the sexual orientation or gender of users, a search for lesbian porn would likely have come from men. The results of the study are considered credible, as the findings are consistent with a Google study that found that Uganda, where the culture and the laws are fiercely anti-gay, topped the list of countries searching for gay porn. Repressed sexual urges and curiosity are both likely contributing factors to the findings.
Photo Credit: Qz10