The executive director of Christian Educators Association International (CEAI), Finn Laursen, believes that American children are no longer capable of telling right from wrong ever since religion was officially removed from public schools across the country. That is the reason he cited while explaining why his organization has taken it upon itself to change the situation by bringing back the missing moral fabric in public schools and reintroducing religion in classrooms across America.
CEAI has been training teachers on how to practice their faith in public schools. Laursen clarified that his organization is not trying to convert anybody to Christianity but it does believe teachers need to come out and share their faith with others.
CEAI equips teachers in a manner so that they can pray with their colleagues in their free time, pray with their students after school hours, constitute religious clubs for students that function before or after school and so on. This, the organization says, it does because introducing Jesus Christ and his teachings to students will help them distinguish between right and wrong.
The current state of affairs in the United States has led to proselytizing being labeled illegal. This means that government officials cannot promote or endorse any one religion or faith in the public sphere. CEAI claims its endeavor is to bring back religion to public schools without transgressing the existing legal boundaries.
However, Charles Haynes, Religious Freedom Center expert at Newseum Institute, explained that public schools are not exempt from religion under the First Amendment. According to him, while the First Amendment specifies that government bodies may not establish faith or religion, it also recognizes freedom of religion and ensures that the government does not inhibit that either.
Speaking against CEAI’s attempt to introduce religion, namely Christianity, in public schools, Daniel Mack, director of American Civil Liberties Union, said that the organization was pushing teachers to oppose the existing system. He stressed that any decision concerning the religious education of children should be taken by their families or parents alone.
Journalist and author Katherine Stewart too raised questions about practicing other religions in public schools. She said if a teacher who is Muslim or Wiccan wanted to practice his or her religion, then that would be disallowed almost immediately. According to her, the sole reason why Christian teachers may be allowed to bring their religion to public schools is the fact that it happens to enjoy the privilege of the majority.
However, Laursen said that every teacher, irrespective of his or her faith, deserves to express faith across schools.
Photo Credits: DesiringGod.org