"Raise Your Family on Jihad;" Canadian Imams Unleash Fiery Sermons

With the war between Israel and Hamas entering its ninth month, some Islamic leaders continue to make antisemitic claims and push the idea of jihad on other Muslims. In Canada, three imams from three different places held Friday sermons where they denigrated Jews and urged Muslims to wage jihad.

During a Friday sermon at the Al-Falah Islamic Centre in Oakville, Ontario, on July 5th, Imam Riad Ourzazi claimed that Islam will reach the ”four corners of the world” and claimed that Jews entered Palestine through the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and would leave it “by Allah's promise.

Ourzazi further claimed that Jews killed their prophets and said that the majority of the 124,000 prophets sent by Allah were sent to them. Regarding Israel’s ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, the imam asked, “What do you expect from such a nation?” that “killed the majority of its prophets” and “disbelieved in them.” Ourzazi’s sermon was streamed live from Al-Falah Center’s Youtube channel.

Meanwhile, Canadian Islamic scholar Sheikh Younus Kathrada claimed during a sermon that the Jews are the enemies of Allah and added that Muslims are “a nation that does not imitate those whom Allah has become angry with,” which is why they “seek refuge from being upon their path every day, in every prayer. [We say:] 'Guide us to the straight path, not the path of those whom You are angry with.

He also lamented that there are Muslims who want to emulate and act like the Jews while saying that Allah will eventually take revenge against the oppressors in Palestine and elsewhere.

"But look at our pathetic state of affairs today. Today, we want to be like them. They are the enemies of Allah, like it or not. They are the enemies of Allah, but we want to emulate them. We want to imitate them. We want to be like them. As a matter of fact, if our kids imitate them and act and behave like them and dress like them, we feel a sense of pride and happiness. What a calamity has befallen us!” Kathrada said during his sermon, which was from the YouTube channel of the Muslim Youth of Victoria.

Lastly, Canadian imam Adnan Abyat from Coquitlam in Vancouver said in his Friday sermon that Muslim families should raise their families and their nations on the "idea of Jihad," adding that Muslims should protect themselves because “the Muslims have to get up,” further declaring that “enough is enough” and even claiming that “Muslim blood has become the cheapest liquid upon this earth.

Just like the two previous Islamic preachers, Abyat also used his sermon to lambast the Jews, claiming that "a bunch of filthy Zionist Jews" have decided to destroy Muslims, and “they are doing it willingly with no one stopping them.

Abyat also condemned Muslim leaders who support Israel and want to destroy Hamas, adding when Muslims abandon jihad, “Allah will humiliate them, put them down, until they believe that they have no way but to go to Allah.

His sermon was live-streamed on Masjid Alhidayah's YouTube channel, ISBC (Islamic Society of British Columbia).

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