Pedophilia in Islamic Society? Preacher Zakir Naik's Reply Sparks Backlash

A controversial, fugitive Islamic preacher from India went viral on social media after a video of him having a heated exchange with a girl during his visit to Pakistan emerged where the girl asked the preacher a question about the existence of societal ills, including pedophilia, in Islamic societies.

The incident reportedly took place during a public gathering organized for Zakir Naik, a Mumbai-born controversial Islamic preacher labeled as a fugitive by the Indian government and faces multiple charges of money laundering, funding terrorist organizations, and hate speech. 

The girl, identifying herself as Pashtun, one of the largest ethnic groups in Pakistan, began by asking Naik, "Why are there so many evils like pedophilia, adultery, and drug addiction where I live, despite the people being strictly religious? Why do the ulemas (Muslim scholars) not call them out?" The Pashtun girl also raised concerns about the restricted freedoms of women in Islamic societies. 

Initially, Naik dismissed her question, joking that Muslim men should follow the example of Muslim women by not stepping out of the house without any reason. When the girl attempted to elaborate on her question by explaining how pedophilia is becoming normalized in her region, Naik interrupted her and asked her to remain silent so he could answer her question.

The preacher, known for his staunch and rigid defense of Islamic teachings, then denied the girl’s claims, asserting that "there is a contradiction in what you’re saying. There is no mention of pedophilia in the Quran or any Islamic scripture."

He then accused the girl of defaming Islam, arguing that "a Muslim can never commit sexual abuse against children.” Naik also advised the girl to “think ten times before leveling accusations against another.

When the girl tried to explain her point further and defend her question, Naik snapped, sharply told her she was wrong, and demanded she apologize for her remarks.

The preacher’s behavior drew widespread backlash and criticism on social media, with many netizens accusing Naik of gaslighting the girl and dismissing the legitimate and serious concerns she raised during the gathering.

Her question makes 100% sense. Just because Dr. Zakir Naik failed to understand her concern and POV doesn’t mean she was wrong. Also, saying she should be sorry for asking such a question and not allowing her to explain her POV is crazy?” a Twitter user said. 

This is not the first time the preacher received criticism for his remarks. In one video, he claimed that those who live in Pakistan have a higher chance of going to heaven.

Even the Indian government released a statement condemning Pakistan for welcoming Naik but added it was not “surprising.

"We have seen reports that he (Zakir Naik) has been feted in Pakistan. He has been warmly welcomed there," Randhir Jaiswal, the spokesperson of India’s Ministry of External Affairs, said during a weekly media briefing.

"It is not surprising for us that an Indian fugitive has received a high-level welcome in Pakistan. It is something which is disappointing and condemnable but at the same time, it is not surprising," Jaiswal added.

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