Mass Harassment From Hindu Nationalists Forces Comedian to Quit

On Saturday, November 27, Vishesh Dhuria, director and founder of Curtain Call, received a letter from the Ashokanagar police office. The police officers of the Ashoknagar in Bangalore city requested Dhuria and his production to cancel Munawar Faruqui’s show.

Faruqui’s show was scheduled on Sunday, November 28, at the Good Shepherd Auditorium. This is the fourth show that was canceled in less than 30 days.

According to the letter, the police have learned that Faruqui is “is a controversial figure” as some of his comedy focuses on topics such as religion. Despite the flimsy grammar and numerous spelling mistakes, the letter tried to convey that Faruqui’s controversial status may cause “chaos and could disturb the public peace.”

The Ashoknagar police office also claimed that they learned of the multiple cases against Faruqui from a Tukoganj police station in Madhya Pradesh. They also claimed that Faruqui’s comedy shows had been banned in multiple states.

According to The Wire, the Ashoknagar police office’s claim is inaccurate. Faruqui’s shows may have been canceled in multiple states, but the comedian was never banned in any state. Although there are multiple lawsuits filed against him.

Faruqui and three other comedians were arrested for allegedly “hurting religious sentiments” during one of their shows earlier this year. Aside from multiple lawsuits initiated by right-wing Hindu groups, including a case from the son of a prominent Bajrang Dal party (BJP) member, Farqui’s shows have also been canceled multiple times. The comedian has also been receiving death threats online and through his cellphone.

Last month, Faruqui’s show in Goa was canceled due to increasing pressure from a local Hindutva group, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. The police also reported threats of mass self-immolation to protest Faruqui’s show. 

Earlier in the same month, Faruqui’s show in Mumbai was also canceled after members of the BJP threatened violence if his show was to be continued.

Faruqui tweeted his frustration over the cancellation of his shows and his arrest for a joke he never did. “This show has gained so much love from people in India, irrespective of their religion; this is unfair!”



The frustrated comedian also explained that despite his shows having censor certificates, 12 shows were still canceled because of threats to the venue or the audience. The comedian ended his post with a heartbreaking announcement. “My name is Manuwar Faruqui, and that has been my time. You guys were [a] wonderful audience. Goodbye! I’m done.”

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