Jamaat-e-Islami Chief Accuses Muslim Leaders

Sirajul Haq

Sirajul Haq, the chief of political organization Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), accused Muslim leaders for their silence over blasphemy acts against Islam, especially after the Charlie Hebdo incident.

Haq said in his Friday sermon: “No international organisation, including the United Nations, has taken effective steps against the repeated incidents of blasphemy.”

Haq added:“If someone’s sentiments are not hurt by blasphemy, he should worry about his faith.”

Haq also accused the Jews for these actions, saying that Zionists have always been trying to create a fight between Christians and Muslims.

“Blasphemy is a Zionists’ plot to disturb peace,” he said.

The JI leader promised to continue the fight against blasphemy, urging all Muslims to unite against these acts and sacrifice their lives to protect the name of the Prophet.

Photo Credits: Wikimedia

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