Irish Domestic Violence Victim Faces Jail in Dubai for Attempting Suicide

An Irish woman who was barred from leaving Dubai in the United Arab Emirates after being charged with “attempting suicide” for reportedly suffering domestic violence was finally allowed to leave, adding she was “so relieved... thankful and grateful” to have returned to Ireland.

28-year-old Tori Towey from County Roscommon faced charges, including consumption of alcohol and attempting suicide, and had her passport destroyed after her husband allegedly attacked her. Although she survived, Towey was left with severe bruising in her arms and other injuries and was taken to a police station.

Her case prompted Ireland’s Taoiseach or Prime Minister, Simon Harris, to intervene after Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald raised Towey’s case to the Dáil, the country’s lower house. McDonald added that Tori’s mother traveled over to Dubai to be with her, and she was a victim of domestic abuse.

Tori wants to come home, simple as that. She is a Roscommon woman, and she wants to come home,” McDonald said. "She has been the victim of the most gross domestic violence.

I am asking now, as a matter of absolute urgency, that we have a statement from this House that you intervene, Taoiseach, that the ambassador is called and that it is made absolutely plain to the authorities of Dubai that no woman should be treated in this way, and an Irish citizen, an Irish woman will not be treated in this way,” she added. 

Harris, who was initially unaware of Tori’s case, thanked McDonald for bringing it to this attention and said he was ready to "intervene.” He also said her treatment was "utterly, utterly unacceptable" and said Towey has "been the victim of male violence.

"What Tori has been through is, I think, unimaginable for so many people here in this country, that a woman who has been the victim of a brutal attack found herself waking up not in a hospital, but in a police station," the Taoiseach said. 

In addition to the Irish government, the London-based human rights organization Detained In Dubai also helped with Tori’s case and provided her with assistance while she and her mother, Caroline, stayed at a rental in Dubai.

Tori’s experience is nothing short of tragic, and quite frankly, she is lucky to be alive.” Radha Stirling, human rights advocate, lawyer, and CEO of Detained In Dubai, said regarding Tori’s case, adding that Tori was “moments from death either by suicide or at the hands of her violent rage-driven husband.

The Taoiseach later said on July 10th that he had talked with Tori and that she was increasingly positive about the situation. Later, Harris confirmed that a travel ban preventing her from leaving the UAE was dropped, and the staff of Ireland’s embassy to the UAE would escort her to the airport. The Dubai Public Prosecution also confirmed that Dubai authorities withdrew the case against her.

Tori’s flight from Dubai to Dublin landed on July 11th. She told Irish broadcaster RTÉ, "I'm just so relieved; I just can't believe it.” She thanked Prime Minister Simon Harris, the country’s deputy prime minister (Tánaiste) Micheál Martin, Mary Lou McDonald, and Ireland’s ambassador to the UAE for their support, adding that the support of the Irish people and media had been amazing. 

She was speaking at the airport beside her mother, Caroline, and her aunt, Ann Flynn, with Tori’s mother saying it is "great to have her home" and described Tori’s ordeal as "a nightmare, a real nightmare.

"Obviously, when my mother came out to me it was a massive help, but it was just the unknown and just not knowing anything, not knowing what's going to happen," Tori said. "It's only kind of between yesterday and today that I kind of got clarity. I wasn't getting any answers, but I'm just glad to be back."

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