Iranian Cleric Claims Jews Use Genies for Secret Missions

As Israel wages war against Hezbollah in Lebanon by taking out most of the terrorist group’s leaders, including Hassan Nasrallah, an Iranian cleric made a bold claim that Israel was using supernatural creatures that Jews had supposedly used for 3,000 years.

In a televised interview uploaded by the Iranian opposition news outlet Iran International, Mostafa Karami, an Iranian cleric close to the Islamic Republic, accused Jews and the State of Israel of trapping and employing djinn, a type of spirit in Islamic belief that can appear in human or animal forms and even possess people. 

Furthermore, Karami claimed that the Jews and the Israeli government have been secretly using science fiction technology for their activities.

"Considering the Zionists' history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret army," Karami said.

"They [the Jews] have had access to genies and cosmic science since the time of David and Solomon," the cleric and seminary teacher also added. "Historically, they have always used genies, their documents and traditions proved that. They have used genies and demons for warfare and intelligence operations throughout history."

Karami made claims of Jews and the Israeli government using magic, genies, and demon armies in response to the news of Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah being neutralized by the Israel Defense Forces last September.

Nasrallah and some high-ranking members of Hezbollah were killed following an Israeli airstrike on September 27th, which the Israeli military codenamed Operation New Order. The attack, conducted by the Israeli Air Force using F-15I fighters and American-made bunker-buster bombs, destroyed the group’s underground headquarters in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

The IDF declared Nasrallah dead on September 28th, with his body being recovered from the rubble two days later. The strike follows a further escalation of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, which began after the terrorist group attacked Israel after Hamas’s deadly offensive against Israel on October 7th last year.

There had been varying reports as to how Israeli intelligence was able to track down Nasrallah. Arabic media reports suggest that someone shook his hand and placed something on his hand that allowed Israel to track him, while Western media attributed the tracking of the Hezbollah leader’s location to old-fashioned intelligence work.

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