Bread and Roses, a freethinking socio-political television magazine in English and Persian will be broadcasted across the world, including countries in the Middle East and Iran. Even though satellite dishes are illegal in Iran and usually confiscated by the government, almost 70 percent Iranians own one and this will make it possible for the programme to be aired in such countries as well.
Sixty-one donors have helped kick start the programme that will be broadcast via New Channel TV and soon the programme will be made available in other key languages as well. Award-winning secularist and atheist campaigner Maryam Namazie, founder of the Iranian Secular Society Fariborz Pooya, civil rights activist and political commentator Bahram Soroush and editor of cultural publication Pusheh Siavash Modaresi will host Bread and Roses. The programme aims to discuss various social issues including child marriage, Sharia Law, freedom of expression, right to apostasy, atheism, secularism, sexuality and morality from both Left and Right perspectives.
A fundraiser in March 2014 helped the organizers raise £4,000 with which they purchased four HD digital cameras, tripods and SD cards. However, Bread and Roses still requires fundamental sound and lighting equipment, a quality video mixer and appropriate editing software. For these, they hope to raise more funds because they believe a slight investment today can lead to years of freethought, secularism and rationalism being introduced in conservative countries across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
The organizers of Bread and Roses, namely Nano Gole Sorkh, have been active for many decades in trying to bring in a human rights centered approach to different social issues. Those who are interested can follow their activities on their Facebook page, Twitter profile or YouTube channel even.
Photo Credits: Nano Gole Sorkh