Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Conference issued a circular earlier this month that warns members of catholic churches in the state against the growing trend of selfies and inter-religious marriages, which has been dubbed as “love-jihad.” Apart from warning believers against selfies and love-jihad, the circular also says that social media and mobile phones can mislead the youth of India.
“Through selfies children expose themselves to others, this should not be allowed. Parents should control them and teach them not to get involved in such practices. These practices can attract people and they will swoop down like vultures,” reads the circular in part.
The circular, which was written by Bishop Vincent Samuel, tells parents that their children are currently living in dangerous times, as the instances of fake love affairs, which often lead to religious conversions, have been on the rise.
“Through fake love affairs they can convert your children to other religion and later lead to terrorism and other anti social activities. So beware and teach them to stick on to catholic beliefs,” says the circular.
In conclusion, the circular encourages parents to hold back their children from such practices so they can be loyal to their own Catholic faith and abide by the Christian way of life.
Photo Credits: Lighthouse Insights