The British Islamists In Love With The Taliban

A group of British Islamist journalists working for a popular Muslim news website expressed their admiration for the Taliban during a podcast episode where they marked the third anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan following the withdrawal of US-led coalition forces from the country. 

The three journalists discussed the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in an episode of the Muslims Uncensored podcast, broadcast on the British Islamist media company 5Pillars on YouTube on August 28th. 

Dilly Hussain, the deputy editor of 5Pillars, talked about his recent visit to Afghanistan, where he said he did not see any women being advertised on billboards, hear any music being played, notice any clubs, betting houses, or discos, or even alcohol being sold and pork being eaten.

"Do you know what the brothers said to me? They said to me... by the brothers, I mean the brothers I was with, the entourage and the brothers that were hosting me that were not part of the government or anything like that. They were like: 'We can guarantee you that there's not a single bottle of alcohol sold in this country. No one is licensed to sell khamr [alcohol] in this country.' There is not a single pig here for all the taste and the likes of tourists. There's no clubs and discos. There's no betting houses." Hussain said. 

Meanwhile, Roshan Salih, the editor of 5Pillars, also claimed that he doesn’t see Britain as his home as he considers it the dar al-kufr (or the Abode of Infidels in Islam), further lamenting the presence of things such as Western music from artists like Taylor Swift and billboards showing naked women.

"I just find it difficult, like, believing practicing Muslim who knows his or her deen [religion] feeling comfortable in the pit of dar al-kufr. I find that contradictory. I don't know how they can do that.” Salih said, adding that Muslims shouldn’t feel comfortable living in Britain for generations to come. 

The three Islamist journalists also talked about the reaction from the “Western, pro-West Afghan diaspora” when the Taliban took over Afghanistan in 2021, with Hussain claiming they either worked with or benefitted from the US occupation of Afghanistan and Salih calling them “opportunists” who “didn't have to emigrate” to other countries.

"These are people that either collaborated with the occupation, had benefitted from the occupation, they worked under the occupation, they enjoyed the kind of the religious laxity of the occupation, they have fully adopted Western notions of freedom, and women's rights and these kind of things. They liked having discos and clubs, they liked having these kinds of places where men and women mix frequently. They liked having... so there's a spectrum of that stuff." Hussain said. 

Salih then said he is supportive of the Taliban and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and wishes them a lot of success.

"I'm supportive of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, but I consider myself to be a critical friend. Not that they care, they don't care what I think, and fair enough. They shouldn't care what I think, but that's my position. So, are we pro-Taliban? A little bit, yeah.” Salih said. 

He also claimed that British Muslims should withdraw their children, especially girls from schools in the United Kingdom because of the “corruption” they claimed is being taught in schools. 

"I don't think British Muslims should send their girls to school here, by the way. I think they should withdraw their kids from school. Especially the girls because it's corruption, its façade, 100%." Salih said.

Finally, Islamist journalist Robert Carter claimed that “we need someone like the Taliban to come here and shut down education. Fix it up. Fix it up,” with Hussain and Salih asking that portion to be cut out. 

"How dare Afghans that live here go over there go over there and lecture, or anyone, go over there and lecture them about education when the education here is nowhere near as good as it should be,” Carter added.

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