While appearing on the "Malzberg Show" on Newsmax, Catholic League President, Bill Donohue, said that ‘secularists have inferior mental and physical health, which is why they die early and end up in asylums.’
"They believe in no holds barred," Donohue said. "They don't like the three dreaded words from the English language that we got from our Jewish friends: 'thou shalt not.' They don't want to be told anything, which is why they die prematurely, they're unhappy, that's why we have a disproportionate number of agnostics and atheists in the asylum -- all this is true."
Having said that, he also made it clear that he was only talking about "militants."
"I'm not talking about your average atheist or agnostic," he said. "They're no more a threat than a lame Catholic is. But I am talking about the organized group. There's only a small percentage of them, but every year they have to do something to stick it to us. American Atheists? When do they have their convention every year? On Good Friday."
When asked about his statement that atheists and agnostics die earlier and have a larger population in mental institutions, Donohue said, "Absolutely."
"You take a look a secularists and compare them to people of faith, there's a huge difference when it comes to health and happiness: mental health, physical health, individual happiness."
Donohue even offered to help pay for their therapy. "They got to work it out, fine, I'll help pay for their therapy, just take your hands, your mitts off the Catholics during Christmas.
Right Wing Watch uploaded the following YouTube video:
Photo Credits: The Catholic League