Atheists Criticize Arizona Governor for Mixing Religion and Governance

Jan Brewer

Atheist and civil right groups in Arizona are highly disappointed with Governor Jan Brewer for signing an executive order that has led to the creation of the ‘Governor’s Office of Faith and Community Partnerships.’ Leaders of the Secular Coalition for Arizona, American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona, along with the support of some atheist politicians, have written a letter to Brewer’s office asking her to ensure necessary safeguards and balances are incorporated in the new office.

“Arizona is full of atheists, and Governor Brewer needs to understand this," American Atheists president David Silverman said at a press conference outside the state capitol this morning. "Governor Brewer needs to know when she puts together this office . . . that the faith portion of that excludes approximately a third of her state's voters.”


In 2010, Brewer established the ArizonaSERVES Task Force by a similar executive order that led to the setting up of a 21-member panel, eight of whom represented faith-based organizations. The aim of the task force was to promote volunteerism in the state. Then, two weeks ago, she signed another executive order, overriding the previous one, by which this new office has been set up. While the role of the new office remains the same as the old one; the Governor’s Office of Faith and Community Partnerships can also accept and spend money acquired from local, state or federal governments.

The letter sent to her office by atheist and civil rights groups earlier this week seeks accountability of any taxpayer funds used by this particular office to ensure programs utilizing taxpayer funds are free from religion and completely inclusive.

Photo Credit: Flickr

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