Atheist Republic Summary: Saudi Woman's Car Set Alight

Saudi Arabian police are searching for arsonists who set the car on fire of Salma al-Sherif, a 31-year-old cashier in Mecca. Reports of 120,000 women have applied for their driver’s licenses, though reports are unclear on how many have actually been issued.

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia controversial Preacher Zakir Naik will be sent back to India on Wed July 7th.   The Najib Razak had previously granted him residency since 2016 though denied by Naik.

Mike Cochran, an incumbent of the McMin County School Board, in Athens, Tennessee during an interview with the Daily Post-Athenian stated during his Q&A session that guns aren’t the problem and that teachers should be armed. His statement was that morality is directly related to the teaching of the Theory of Evolution, can make students immoral.

Ken Ham is struggling to keep his promise of attendance rates steady at his grand “Ark Museum”. He said he’d get 2 million visitors a year, but his recent numbers are half of that.

In Cairo, Egypt authorities are pushing family planning, supported by the UN and the USA, saying “Two is Enough”. They are also dealing with “the Water Poverty Line” where the water shortage and job shortage is causing many of the citizens to adopt this ideology.

The Australian government will start penalizing its citizens with a deduction of $2 a day ($1.47 USD) per child from their family tax benefit. This punishment will NOT exclude religious and conscientious objectors.

YouTuber, Skylar Fiction, has been banned for three months from live streaming interviews. In his interview with Matt Powell, a 22-year-old Christian preacher, spoke to the public about executing gays ‘humanely’. Skylar Fiction during the interview with the preacher contradicted the statements and attempted to speak out against the preacher.

VP Mike Pence wants to let everyone know he supports the “zero tolerance” policy on illegal immigrants; even those fearing their lives in their home countries. Quoting scripture “do justice and love kindness” (Micah 6:8) and stated “If you want to come to the United States, come legally, or don’t come at all”.

Australian Archbishop Philip Wilson was found guilty of covering up child sexual abuse in the 1970’s. Unfortunately, he will never face one day in prison due to his failing health.

A woman working at the Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity (founded in 1950 by Mother Teresa who died in 1997) in Jharkhand, India has been arrested for selling a 14-day old baby. Two other women have also been detained about other possible cases.

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