Atheist Republic News Summary: Hatun Tash's Victory: Christian Preacher...

  • Hatun Tash's Victory: Christian Preacher Triumphs Over 'Allahu Akbar' Mob!

Location: United Kingdom

Hatun Tash, a controversial Christian preacher and ex-Muslim, has won a £10,000 settlement from London's Metropolitan Police after being unlawfully arrested and detained at Speakers' Corner in June 2022. Tash, known for her public criticism of Islam and large YouTube following, was preparing to speak when a copy of the Quran with holes in it, which she often used as a visual aid, was stolen. When her Christian friends called the police to report the theft, officers instead tried to remove Tash from the growing crowd. Upon her refusal to move, she was forcibly "frog-marched" to police vans and arrested for "criminal damage" while wearing a Charlie Hebdo t-shirt depicting the Prophet Muhammad. At Charing Cross Police Station, Tash was strip-searched, had her glasses removed, was deprived of sleep, and interrogated at 4 AM. She was held for 15 hours before being released without charge and received no assistance in retrieving her belongings left at Speakers' Corner. This incident underscores ongoing tensions surrounding freedom of speech and religious criticism in the UK. Tash, who has faced previous arrests and even assassination attempts, condemned what she perceives as biased policing, stating, "I have been dealing with two-tiered policing for years. Muslim mobs at Speakers' Corner are above the law and have been allowed by the police to do what they like to silence debate, increasingly by any means."

  • The Murder of the “Black Magic Imam” that Shocked the United Kingdom

Location: United Kingdom

The 2016 murder of 71-year-old Imam Jalal Uddin in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, sent shockwaves through the UK and exposed the deadly consequences of radicalization. A public inquiry launched in 2023 is now investigating potential intelligence failures surrounding the case. Uddin, a Bangladeshi immigrant and father of seven, was known in his community as a Quran reader and scholar. He was targeted by two Islamic State extremists, Mohammed Hussain Syeedy and Mohammed Abdul Kadir, who allegedly bludgeoned him to death with a hammer. The killers, bizarrely referring to Uddin as "Voldemort," objected to his use of talismans and amulets, which they considered "black magic." The inquiry has revealed a series of missed opportunities to prevent the tragedy, including a prematurely closed investigation into Mohammed Syadul Hussain, who later aided Kadir's escape from the UK. Former counterterrorism detective inspector Frank Morris admitted that Hussain's investigation "should not have ended in 2014," despite evidence of extremist material found on his devices. This case highlights the complex challenges faced by UK authorities in identifying and preventing extremist threats, particularly within immigrant communities. It also underscores the tensions between traditional Islamic practices and extreme interpretations that can lead to violence. The inquiry, set to publish its findings next summer, is expected to provide crucial insights into improving counterterrorism efforts and community integration in the UK.

  • UK Mosque Says It's OK to Hit Your Wife!

Location: United Kingdom

In a shocking revelation, two UK mosques, An-Noor Masjid in Birmingham and Muhammadi Masjid in Bradford, have come under fire for hosting sermons that appear to condone domestic violence and marital rape. The mosques, both registered charities for "the advancement of religion," uploaded YouTube videos in September 2024 containing deeply controversial content. Islamic lecturer Mahamed AbdurRazaq stated that if a wife refuses sex and other methods don't work, a husband is "allowed to hit her" and "shake her," as long as it doesn't "bruise" or "break bones." Similarly, Muhammad Huzaifah argued that women need their husband's permission for voluntary fasts, citing the husband's "rights." The National Secular Society reported these sermons to the Charity Commission, leading to the videos' removal. Megan Manson, the organization's head of campaigns, condemned the sermons, stating, "The patriarchal ideology spouted by these preachers can fuel misogyny, discrimination, and violence against women and girls." This incident has reignited debates about religious freedoms, charity regulations, and women's rights in the UK, prompting calls for a review of the "advancement of religion" as a charitable purpose.

  • 'Allahu Akbar' Echoes Through Dutch Streets as Knife Attack Unfolds

Location: The Netherlands 

In a chilling incident that echoed recent terror attacks in Europe, Rotterdam was rocked by a fatal stabbing on September 19, 2024. A 22-year-old man, identified as Ayoub M., went on a rampage that left one dead and another seriously injured. The attack, which began in a parking garage and continued onto the iconic Erasmus Bridge, has raised concerns about potential terrorist motivations. Prosecutors noted that the suspect shouted "Allahu akbar" during the attack, though they cautioned that other motives have not been ruled out. The incident claimed the life of Philipp Winter, a 32-year-old German who had recently moved to Rotterdam to pursue his dreams. The suspect, with a history of violent crimes including an attack on his own mother, was eventually subdued with the help of bystanders. Reniël Renato David Litecia, a sports instructor who intervened, described the harrowing scene: "It was a man with two long knives who was stabbing another young guy, and when I started shouting, he turned around and started approaching everyone who was around him." This attack has once again highlighted the ongoing terror threat in the Netherlands, where the threat level remains at four out of five, indicating "a realistic possibility that an attack will take place."

  • Hundreds of Children Rescued From Abusive Islamic Charity Homes in Malaysia

Location: Malaysia 

A shocking child abuse scandal has rocked Malaysia, as hundreds of children were rescued from orphanages linked to Global Ikhwan Services and Business (GISB), a vast Islamic business network. Operation Global, launched by the Royal Malaysia Police on September 11, 2024, led to the rescue of over 400 children aged 1 to 17, many of whom were allegedly subjected to sexual abuse, including sodomy. The scandal deepened as investigations revealed disturbing details, with one police report stating that victims were "allegedly sodomized by their guardians and later taught to sexually abuse their peers." GISB, which operates businesses across 20 countries and promotes an Islamic way of life, initially denied the allegations but later admitted there "might be cases of sodomy" in their orphanages. The group, linked to a banned Islamic sect, has a history of controversy, including the establishment of an "Obedient Wives Club" in 2011. As the investigation continues, with over 300 adults arrested, including religious teachers and GISB's CEO, the scandal has sent shockwaves through Malaysia and raised serious questions about child protection and religious institutions in the country.

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