Atheist Republic News Summary: Canadian Imam Declares "We Are Commanded...

  • Canadian Imam Declares "We Are Commanded By Allah To Hate the Disbelievers"

Location: Canada

Canadian Imam Younus Kathrada unleashed a storm of controversy during a sermon on May 26, 2023, at the Muslim Youth Victoria Islamic Center. With fervor, he proclaimed, "We are commanded by Allah to hate, to reject, and to detest the disbelievers," whom he scathingly likened to "animals" indulging in vices. He painted a vivid picture saying, "The disbelievers enjoy their lives to the fullest, while they are heedless of what is going to happen to them in the Hereafter, just like the cattle, that graze in the pastures, are unaware of the fact that they will probably end up in the slaughterhouse." Yet, Kathrada made an intriguing detour, using an analogy to differentiate between hatred and violence: "If I hate broccoli, does it mean that I am going to smash it all up and not allow anybody to eat it?” His incendiary comments follow a history of contentious rhetoric, including earlier sermons advocating against befriending disbelievers and calling for global jihad.

  • A Bold Nude Protest that "Desecrated" the Vatican!

Location: The Vatican

In an audacious protest that shook the Vatican, a Polish man stripped naked and leaped onto the main altar of St. Peter's Basilica with "Save children of Ukraine" scrawled on his back. The incident, which took place as the Basilica was closing, prompted Cardinal Mauro Gambetti to perform a penitential rite to atone for the desecration. Clad only in black socks and sneakers, the protestor was arrested without resistance and later expelled from Italy. This startling event is part of a recent spate of protests and disturbances, including climate activists gluing themselves to statues and a man crashing a car into the Vatican gates, that have rattled the holy city-state.

  • Saudi Female Influencer Faces Unimaginable Penalty for Advocacy Posts

Location: Saudi Arabia 

Manahel al-Otaibi, a 29-year-old fitness instructor in Saudi Arabia, faces an uncertain but potentially severe sentence for her social media advocacy. Arrested for posts supporting liberal reforms, including women’s rights and LGBTQIA+ rights, she has been charged with “defaming the kingdom” and “calling for rebellion against public order.” Her case is being handled by the Specialized Criminal Court, originally established for terrorism cases but now increasingly used against activists, raising concerns about the severity of the penalty she may face. Lina al-Hathloul, a human rights activist, lamented the disparity in treatment between Saudi nationals and Westerners: “They say they welcome women and that women can wear whatever — but at the end what is happening is that it’s only for Westerners." al-Hathloul’s statement underscores the ongoing repression despite claims of liberalization, as al-Otaibi’s case reveals the stark limitations on freedom of expression in the ultra-conservative kingdom.

  • Children or Brides? Exposing "Forced Puberty" in Syria

Location: Syria

In Northern Syria, the sinister practice of "forced puberty" involves administering young girls with hormonal pills and injections to hasten their puberty for the sole purpose of marrying them off early. Additionally, some parents are reported to physically beat their daughters on their backs under the misguided belief that it accelerates puberty. For instance, Samar, a girl mentioned in a report by online publication TinyHand, was forced by her father at the age of 14 to take pills in their tent to speed up her puberty, which led to her marriage soon after her first period. This practice has devastating consequences; Samar was divorced after getting pregnant and losing her baby. Despite bans by Health Directorates of Idlib and Aleppo on selling and using hormonal injections and drugs without prescriptions, the TinyHand investigation found that these medications, containing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, can still be purchased without prescriptions. Dr. Kenan Ziyadoglu, a gynecologist interviewed in the report, stated that these practices could lead to early menopause before the age of 35 and, in severe cases, cause ovarian or uterine cancer.

  • 80 Schoolgirls in Afghanistan Poisoned: Disturbing New Assault

Location: Afghanistan

In a chilling assault on education in Afghanistan, nearly 80 schoolgirls fell victim to poisoning at two primary schools in the northern province of Sar-e-Pul. Mohammad Rahmani, the head of the education department in the province, revealed that the two schools, located near each other, were targeted consecutively on June 3rd and 4th. The victims, enrolled in Grades 1 to 6, were rushed to hospitals but are now reported to be fine. Rahmani mentioned that initial investigations suggest the sinister act was carried out by a third party, hired by an individual with a personal grudge. An investigation is said to be ongoing. This disturbing attack is the first of its kind since the Taliban seized power in August 2021 and imposed severe restrictions on women's rights and freedoms.

  • Banning the Bible in Utah Schools: A Parent's Demand Sparks Outrage!

Location: United States

In a controversial move that's stirring debates, the Davis School District in Utah removed Bibles from elementary and middle school libraries, citing "vulgarity or violence." The decision came after a parent leveraged a state law against "pornographic or indecent" content in a book challenge. The reviewing committee stated that although the Bible didn’t outrightly violate the law, it was deemed too complex for younger students and should be reserved for high school. In an unexpected twist, another parent appealed against the ban, and a new committee was formed to review it. On June 1st, Republican state representative Ken Ivory, who previously disapproved of the banning, released a statement reversing his position on the ban. In his statement, Ivory wrote that the Bible is a "challenging read" for children and that the religious book is "best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family.” This ban is part of a broader trend that has seen books by black and LGBT authors also being removed under the same law.

  • UN Demands UK Schools to Halt Religion-Based Pupil Selection

Location: United Kingdom

The United Nations has issued a stinging rebuke to the United Kingdom’s faith-based school admission policies. In its report, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child urged UK schools to cease using religion as a selection criterion and advocated for various other reforms, including abolishing mandatory collective worship and allowing students to opt out of religious classes without parental consent. This move has ruffled feathers among religious leaders, with Paul Barber, Director of the Catholic Education Service, labeling the report as “illiberal” and asserting that “Catholic schools are more ethnically diverse and serve more of the pupils from the most deprived backgrounds than the state sector.” Former bishop of Rochester, Monsignor Michael Nazir-Ali, accused the report of being a “secular-inspired” attack on faith schools. In contrast, Megan Manson from the National Secular Society heralded the report, urging the British government to heed its findings. The UK’s Department For Education countered the report, with a spokesperson stating, “Like all other mainstream state-funded schools, faith schools must admit all children who apply, without reference to faith, where there are places available.”

  • Taxpayer Dollars for Catholic School? Oklahoma Shakes America’s Secularism

Location: United States

In a groundbreaking move that's sent shockwaves through the nation, Oklahoma's education board has given the go-ahead to establish the first religious charter school in the US, known as St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School. A charter school, is a type of public school in the United States that runs independently from the established school system in the state it operates, and the school receives funds from taxpayers. However, this decision has ignited a firestorm of debate over the separation of church and state, especially since St. Isidore will receive over $25 million in taxpayer funds over its first five years. Rachel Laser, president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, called it a "clear violation of the religious freedom of Oklahoma taxpayers," while Brett Farley, executive director of the Catholic Conference of Oklahoma, heralded it as a “victory for parents, for school choice, and for religious liberty.” The contentious decision is expected to face legal challenges, with both sides wielding the First Amendment as their battle standard.

  • Pope Francis Blasts Fraudulent Virgin Mary Miracle

Location: Italy 

Pope Francis recently issued a stern warning against blindly believing in apparitions of the Virgin Mary, in the wake of an Italian woman’s exposed scam involving a statue allegedly shedding tears of blood. Maria Giuseppe Scarpulla gained a devout following and was even referred to as “The Saint” by some, as she hosted ceremonies for worshippers seeking cures for ailments through prayers to the supposedly miraculous statue. However, a cloud of controversy enveloped Scarpulla as stories of swindled donations emerged and a private investigator claimed the blood to be of pig origin. Amidst the uproar, Pope Francis emphasized that genuine Marian devotion should direct attention towards Jesus, rather than being self-centered. Scarpulla, defiant in the face of investigations, declared, “I won’t budge an inch because I’m in the house of God and have the Madonna on my side.”

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