On New Year’s Eve, apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis (AiG) put up a religious video billboard, featuring a cross, near the famous ball dropping in New York City’s Times Square. Apparently, the purpose of the ad was to remind Americans of the religious freedoms they enjoy.
“I am thrilled that the Cross of Christ will be seen in the most-watched place in the world on this day,” AiG president Ken Ham stated.
AiG said that irrespective of what worldviews different people in the United States hold, religious freedom must be defended and that holds true for Christians, Muslims as well as Atheists.
The digital video billboard, which was located above the CNN sign on Broadway, in Duffy Square, aired for seven minutes every hour, every day from December 30, 2014 to January 1, 2015. The location was chosen strategically to ensure the billboard was viewable to the massive crowd that meets in downtown New York City to celebrate New Year’s as well as the global audience that watches the traditional ball dropping on television. According to AiG, at least three million impressions were totaled over the three days, at Times Square alone.
“Millions of TV viewers watching the ball drop on Wednesday evening — signaling the start of the New Year — may also be seeing the new video,” AiG stated.
On January 2, the same ad appeared on other digital boards in Times Square, one of which was seen above Disney Store on Broadway. Since January 5, the video has been appearing on digital boards in Boston, Washington DC and in Massachusetts.
AiG’s latest billboard campaign has managed to draw attention to Americans’ religious liberties that conservatives believe have been attacked by secularist groups every time they have attempted to remove crosses, Ten Commandments displays and nativity scenes from public areas. That apart, the campaign has drawn attention once again to AiG’s Ark Encounter Project in Kentucky that found itself hitting the headlines repeatedly last year.
“The need for Christian groups and churches to preserve their First Amendment rights has never been greater. … The nation's founding founders predicted that a future government would be tempted to infringe on religious liberties. That's why their very First Amendment was to establish a safeguard for religious expression, as they inserted the 'free exercise clause' for religion for the new nation. Sadly, that freedom is being chipped away today by atheists and other secularists,” said Ham.
Photo Credits: Christian Today