American Imam: “Muslims Cannot Align With The LGBT Movement”

An imam from Colorado claimed during a question and answer (Q&A) session that Muslims cannot align with or accommodate the LGBTQIA+ movement, further arguing that the LGBTQIA+ community wants Muslims to be indecisive on the subject, but Muslims cannot unite with them.

Sheikh Karim Abu Zaid, the imam of the Colorado Muslim Community Center, said in a July 20th Q&A session that Muslims cannot align with the LGBTQIA+ community. The session was live-streamed on the YouTube channel of the Salahuddin Future Academy USA (SAFA USA), which has hosted several imams and Islamic religious scholars.

"There is no such thing as aligning with LGBT. What do you mean a Muslim aligning with LGBT? I'm still going to call him a Muslim? Give me a break,” the imam said. 

Abu Zaid also claimed that the sin of Lot’s wife was that she accommodated sexual immorality. In the Genesis narrative, Lot’s wife looked behind her while they were fleeing Sodom and was turned into a pillar of salt, but in Islamic view, Lot (also called Prophet Lut in Islam) fled the city with his followers but left his wife behind, as she was considered guilty as those who were punished.

"What was the sin of the wife of the Prophet Lot? What was her sin? No. She didn't have that resolute position that her husband had. Never would a wife of a prophet do something like that, but she was willing to accommodate. 'It's okay,’” Abu Zaid said. 

The imam further claimed that the LGBTQIA+ community wants Muslims to be indecisive on the subject of gay rights.

"You see, there is a position of being determined, this is right, or this is wrong. What they want you to do is to move from that domain to that domain of being indecisive: Maybe we should let, you know... So a Muslim entertaining that entire concept... And you want to unite with this person? On what foundation? Unite on what? Unity is on the truth," Abu Zaid said.

Many imams have spoken against the LGBTQIA+ community in the past, even making derogatory and harsh remarks against them. Last July, Ahmed Radwan, an imam from California, said during a Friday sermon that Muslims cannot stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the LGBTQIA+ community, describing homosexuality as a disease and described them as “very sneaky people.” Radwan also accused them of infiltrating pro-Palestinian rallies and argued they have the same victim mentality as Israelis.

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