Alleged "Witches" Murdered by Boko Haram in Nigeria

A group of women accused of using witchcraft was killed by the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram after the death of a militant commander's children in the Borno state of north-eastern Nigeria, said relatives, residents, and a woman who escaped.

Nigeria is a religiously conservative country that is almost equally divided between the Muslim north and the Christian south. Cases of witchcraft accusations are not uncommon here.

A fight is taking place at the heart of Nigeria involving the Nigerian security forces, Boko Haram, and its rival group Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP). Over 40,000 people have been killed in this conflict.

According to the relatives and a woman who escaped two weeks ago, roughly 40 women were held in a village near Gwoza town. A group of women was captured on the orders of Boko Haram commander Ali Guyile, whose children suddenly died. The commander accused the women of using witchcraft to cause the death of his children, as reportedly stated in the interviews on Sunday and Monday.

One of the accused women was able to escape from the group. After 14 women were killed on November 10th, Talkwe Linbe managed to run away to the state capital Maiduguri on Saturday.

She said that the 35 years old commander Guyile ordered his men to detain the women from the houses where they practiced "witchcraft."

The details about Linbe's connection to Boko Haram is unclear; however, it is known that the residents from the militant group territory are often forced into work or relationships.

"He (Guyile) said he would investigate our involvement in the deaths of his children," she said. "On Thursday, he ordered 14 among us to be slaughtered. I was lucky I was not among them."

According to the other relatives, the day Linbe reached Maiduguri, 12 more women were executed over the charges of using witchcraft.

When interviewed, the relatives and residents did not describe how the terrorist group murdered the women. However, the term used in the Hausa language usually means militants were killing their victims by slitting their throats.

Abdullahi Gyya, a resident from Maiduguri, said, "I received a call from Gwoza that my mother, two aunts, and nine other women were slaughtered yesterday (Saturday) on the orders of Ali Guyile, who accused them of being witches." He added that he was told about the murder of the first 14 women on Thursday.

Tijjani Usman, a citizen originally from Gwoza but currently residing in Maiduguri, verified the statements of Linbe and Gyya, as he said that he received calls from relations in Gwoza.

Security sources in Nigeria confirmed they were aware of the circumstances and investigating. However, a thorough investigation was impossible as the village is located in a remote area. An official from the Borno state government said they were checking.

Gwoza was seized by Boko Haram in July 2014 but was later retaken by Nigerian troops the following year. However, the militant group continues to terrorize nearby villages.

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