Life of Brian (1979)

Life of Brian

Life of Brian is a 1979 British comedy film written by and starring the comedy group Monty Python (John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin and Terry Jones).

In the film, Brian Cohen is born on the original Christmas day, in a stable next door to Jesus and he spends his life being mistaken for a messiah. The wise men appear, they start to distribute gifts but then the star moves forward, and so they take back everything and continue following the star. A little farther away, the Jews are seeking release from the Romans. Amidst political and spiritual decay, they keep looking for signs from a messiah and a group decides Brian is the one. Brian fails to convince them that he is not and he ends up joining the Peoples’ Front of Judea, one of the many separatist groups who do not work but hate the Romans intensely.

The film is not about Jesus but it is definitely for those who did not have the time or the interest to listen to his message. With many social and political comments, Life of Brian contains themes of religious satire. It was regarded as a highly controversial film at the time of its release and drew several accusations of blasphemy and protests from different religious groups. Thirty-nine authorities in the UK imposed outright bans or X certificates on the film, effectively preventing Life of Brian from being shown to large audiences. However, you can watch this fantastic comedy right here to see how the Life of Brian finally unfolds.

Life of Brian

Life of Brian (1979)

Life of Brian is a 1979 British comedy film written by and starring the comedy group Monty Python (John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin and Terry Jones).

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