Dogma (1999)

Dogma Movie Poster

In this 1999 American comedy, a worker at an abortion clinic, who has a special heritage, is called upon to save humanity by two fallen angels who are trying to re-enter heaven through a loophole that allegedly exists in catholic dogma. Kevin Smith has not only written and directed the film but he also stars in it along with an ensemble cast that includes Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Alan Rickman, Linda Fiorentino, Salma Hayek and Alanis Morissette among others.

The plot of the film revolves around a hypothetical scenario related to the Catholic Church and its fundamentals. The narrative follows two fallen angels Bartleby and Loki who after being banished by god, try to find their way back into heaven through an alleged loophole in catholic dogma. However, since the idea of existence is based on the principle of god being infallible, the success of these two fallen angels would prove god wrong and thus lead to the destruction of all his creation. That is why two prophets and the last scion are sent by the voice of god so that both these fallen angels can be stopped.

Most of the film was shot in Pennsylvania except a few scenes that were completed on the New Jersey shore. Upon release, Dogma led to countless protests and large-scale controversy in many countries. Not only was the film’s release delayed but Smith received at least two death threats.


Dogma (1999)

An abortion clinic worker with a special heritage is called upon to save the existence of humanity from being negated by two renegade angels trying to exploit a loophole and re-enter Heaven.

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