Atheist Republic Consulates – Find & Meet Up With Atheists Near You

The Atheist Republic Consulates are headed by the Meetup Coordinators who plan and organize meetups as well as events in the cities they reside in with the goal of providing a sense of community for atheists. These meetups can be as simple as a few atheists meeting up for a discussion.

Are you looking for a group near you? Here's a list of all current Atheist Republic Consulates with links to their respective facebook groups. If your city is not available on the list below, start an Atheist Republic Consulate by applying as a meetup coordinator.

You can also join in on the discussions of our international atheist community on facebook by clicking on this link.

Can't Find One For Your Location? Start A New Consulate In Your City

Become a Meetup Coordinator at Atheist Republic

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Life is beautiful. I come to this website not only as a former Christian, but also as a current professor of religion. Reading the like of Harris, Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Jacoby, et al, has been a liberating experience for me. I propose to help others shake free from the bondage of the mind that religion holds people in.
- Omar Khayyam II
When living in the Bible Belt, it's great to have a community to go to where one is not ostracized for being a non-believer!
- Angela Usher
I feel as if I have never been religious. My family is Christian, yet I grew up never fully believing. I was one who asked questions, and got no answers. Then I found out about Atheism, and was excited that there were other people who were the same as myself. So, this site not only lets me ask my questions, but also acts as a medium to allow other Atheists, such as myself, to let ourselves be known. I thank Atheist Republic everyday for that. We are Atheists. We are people. We are human.
- Alex Smith

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