Atheist Republic Consulates – Find & Meet Up With Atheists Near You

The Atheist Republic Consulates are headed by the Meetup Coordinators who plan and organize meetups as well as events in the cities they reside in with the goal of providing a sense of community for atheists. These meetups can be as simple as a few atheists meeting up for a discussion.

Are you looking for a group near you? Here's a list of all current Atheist Republic Consulates with links to their respective facebook groups. If your city is not available on the list below, start an Atheist Republic Consulate by applying as a meetup coordinator.

You can also join in on the discussions of our international atheist community on facebook by clicking on this link.

Can't Find One For Your Location? Start A New Consulate In Your City

Become a Meetup Coordinator at Atheist Republic

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You have no idea how this group has helped me by getting rid of stress. Whenever I have to come home from the cities I have to visit, I get to catch a breather from all the religious culture my country (Mexico) hangs all over the place. Although I have only been in the Atheist Republic Facebook page, I can firmly say that this site has a lot to offer, with tons of eager smart atheists to share. I wish I can do more for this site. I really do.
- Erasmo Vázquez
I Am Home :) :) :)
- Alex Shaw
I (personally) do not have anything against the person who chooses to believe in a deity, I only have a problem when the person wants to impose their beliefs on the next person. As long as the religious continue to force their beliefs into governmental institutions and all the umbrellas that govern all of us, I will have something to say. As long as children are indoctrinated at a tender age and forced to have their bodies strapped with explosives in the name of some idiots' fucked up beliefs, I will have something to say. As long as the sick, vulnerable and desperate people are ripped off by some lazy fucktards who dress in white suits and call themselves 'pastors' only to be told that they weren't healed because they apparently didn't have 'enough faith', I will most definitely have something to say. That's my take, I SALUTE THE FUCKING 'ATHEIST REPUBLIC' AND OTHER REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS LIKE IT!!!!
- Taelo Mathuloe

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