My story regarding how theists see me is the most comical one of all. I'm a recovering alcoholic. As you may know, they have a 12-step program by which they live. Well, with five years sober now, I remember attending a meeting called "The eleventh step," when I had about four days sober. It reads "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with god, as we understand him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out." There were about 70 people at this meeting. I raised my hand and asked how would that work for me, because I was an atheist. Well, this woman pounded on the table and accused me of blasphemy, and that I should rot in hell for saying and believing that god doesn't exist. Several people agreed with her and it caused an uproar. I thought they were going to beat me up. I was concerned because I wanted to stay sober, and I didn't believe in a god of any kind, how could I make it work for me. I still see these people when I attend certain meetings, and they stay away from me as if I had the plague. I see it as my version of parting the Red Sea. I don't understand such behavior from a people who believe in a god and wish the worst for someone who doesn't – it goes against anything they're supposed to believe in. So, why behave that way? If that's what religion does to someone, I'm glad I have no desire to even try to understand something that doesn't exist.
Thanks for the opportunity in sharing my story.