Science, history and talking to myself led me out of faith!

I grew up as a methodist and was taught about sexual purity. I am gay so my story is about homosexuality. I lived in a moderate home when it came to religion but was taught to embrace the idea that homosexuality was worth damnation. As a kid, I was told that homosexuality was evil. I had images of burning in hell so I became fundementalistic in my faith to suppress my feelings in 2001, as a seventh grader, which is when my parents joked about my sexual orientation.

That's why I became devout as a Christian because it kept my feelings down low. From 2009 to 2013, I had to fight this inner voice telling me I will be going to hell and I might as well stop seeking god because I can't stop my feelings. I talked to my pastor in 2010 and he told me to repent; so I did, and I believed I got delivered of homosexuality. I was so happy until middle 2012, it was very nerve wrecking.

I came out to people in august 2013 before I became an atheist, but once I felt my Christian friends leave me, except a few, it was a step to questioning my faith in Christ. Once I realized god looked at me angrily, I researched further; science and history and talking to myself just led me out of faith in god.

- Sergey Fox

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