I have experienced an enormous sense of moral freedom brought about primarily by the realization that there is no omnipotent being peering over my shoulder all the time and passing judgement and neither are my actions influenced by some invisible force, over which I have no control. With that moral freedom has come the realization that I, and I alone am responsible for all my own decisions and actions.
No more blaming the bogey man with the pitchfork and horns, no more guilt trips and laying my soul bare to be washed clean in blood - yucky thought anyway - the morality buck stops with me. When I screw up I have to fix it and bear the consequences if it can't be fixed and there is no back door, no absolution, no blaming destiny, the wizard in the sky's will or whatever other lame excuse people use.
Morally I am flying solo. I am the Captain of my own moral ship.
- Edward Foster