I believe that the root of morality is kind of subjective, and kind of universal. Whatever favors a community goes.
I believe that two basic laws are the root of all morality, that is - do not hurt another and dont get hurt. Upon this I base my morality and choose my right from wrong. What hurts another, I try not to do, and I try not to hurt myself too.
As long as I keep to these principles of mine, whatever I do will always be right, because the only thing termed wrong is hurting another of your kind in all of its entirety, either directly or indirectly, or hurting one's self. I know of no such other decision that could be termed wrong or immoral.
I believe gods cannot choose right for me, because their right is not always right. The religious books are filled with wrongs - slavery, looting, among others. I believe everyone must choose what is right, and this must be based on not hurting another or one's self. I think this is what all laws are based on.
- Emmanuel Jesupelumi