The meaning of life is the pursuit of our constructive potential.

With regard to eternal life, there really is nothing to be concerned about. The Universe is infinite in space and time. However, if it was infinite in the types of things ​that can exist then there would be infinite variability and not the discrete types that we observe. Within infinite space and time there are finite existence possibilities. This sentence is being written, and has been written, an infinite number of times. We live and die forever, whether we like it or not.

The meaning of life, on the other hand, is the pursuit of the realization of our constructive potential. This applies to both the individual and society. Everyday Science produces more evidence that our individual abilities have a Biological basis. These abilities can be either facilitated in their constructive realization or oppress​ed​ by the type of social environment in which we exist. Both our biological nature and the social environment in which we exist, are given to us. To take individual credit for the realization of your constructive potential is both unscientific and irrational.

- Stephen Mooney

How do you give your life purpose and meaning?

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