Improbable: Is There Any Reason to Believe in God? – J D Brucker

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Improbable: Is There Any Reason to Believe in God? – J D Brucker

Improbable: Is There Any Reason to Believe in God?

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Since the start of time, people have given themselves the right to commit inhuman acts in the name of the Abrahamic deity only because someone has convinced them or they have managed to convince themselves that he is real and he bears their well-being in mind. But, is there substantial reason to believe in his existence or is indoctrination and the blind eye to blame? J D Brucker’s Improbable answers the key questions related to the improbable existence of Abraham.

In his book, Brucker asks some very interesting questions:

Do scientific facts support the idea that mankind is a product of a single supernatural and transcendent being? Has biological life on Earth evolved from a single celled organism or was it intelligently designed? Can neurology, sociology, and psychology answer questions regarding religious experience? Is the God of Abraham omnibenevolent, portraying and prescribing a moral code one should expect from such an all-loving being? Does morality have a spiritual basis or could the foundation have been poured into our species long ago through natural processes? Does religious scripture ignore or support the scientific understanding regarding the creation of the cosmos? Are the foundations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam of a divine origin or the products of man-made mythos? Does the historical record reinforce the existence of Jesus and Moses as described in the New and Old Testament?

Denying Abraham with the help of science and reason will definitely spark the much-needed epoch humanity needs to attain before we can call ourselves a rational and mature species. This challenge lies in the hands of the undecided individuals – those unwilling to believe but not yet ready to push aside their faith. Before settling on faith however, one must ask themselves a simple question – “If there is good enough reason to rely on faith or are there more fulfilling answers around the corner?” To see if you find can find an answer to this question in particular, have a look at Brucker’s much applauded Improbable.

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Michael Wilson's picture
Here is 1 reason... If I (a
J. D. Brucker's picture
"If I (a Christian) am right
serbianwolf's picture
So basically, you're saying
logicsoldier's picture
i am this fools cusin i
firebolt's picture
"Here is 1 reason... If I (a
Zaphod's picture
Excellent point, I always
Deidre32's picture
Christianity is just one sect
Miguel Phosteur's picture
No. There isn't.

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