Improbable: Is There Any Reason to Believe in God? – J D Brucker

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Improbable: Is There Any Reason to Believe in God? – J D Brucker

Improbable: Is There Any Reason to Believe in God?

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Since the start of time, people have given themselves the right to commit inhuman acts in the name of the Abrahamic deity only because someone has convinced them or they have managed to convince themselves that he is real and he bears their well-being in mind. But, is there substantial reason to believe in his existence or is indoctrination and the blind eye to blame? J D Brucker’s Improbable answers the key questions related to the improbable existence of Abraham.

In his book, Brucker asks some very interesting questions:

Do scientific facts support the idea that mankind is a product of a single supernatural and transcendent being? Has biological life on Earth evolved from a single celled organism or was it intelligently designed? Can neurology, sociology, and psychology answer questions regarding religious experience? Is the God of Abraham omnibenevolent, portraying and prescribing a moral code one should expect from such an all-loving being? Does morality have a spiritual basis or could the foundation have been poured into our species long ago through natural processes? Does religious scripture ignore or support the scientific understanding regarding the creation of the cosmos? Are the foundations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam of a divine origin or the products of man-made mythos? Does the historical record reinforce the existence of Jesus and Moses as described in the New and Old Testament?

Denying Abraham with the help of science and reason will definitely spark the much-needed epoch humanity needs to attain before we can call ourselves a rational and mature species. This challenge lies in the hands of the undecided individuals – those unwilling to believe but not yet ready to push aside their faith. Before settling on faith however, one must ask themselves a simple question – “If there is good enough reason to rely on faith or are there more fulfilling answers around the corner?” To see if you find can find an answer to this question in particular, have a look at Brucker’s much applauded Improbable.

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Michael Wilson's picture
Here is 1 reason... If I (a

Here is 1 reason... If I (a Christian) am right than all of you go to hell but if you guys are right than I will just end up in the ground and forgotten. Jesus loves you all and he came and died for your sins. He is giving all of you a second chance. Many atheist will argue why would a loving God send someone to hell. The answer to that is he doesn't people choose hell over God. When someone dies without him in their heart it breaks is. He loves you all. Have a great day and God Bless!!!

J. D. Brucker's picture
"If I (a Christian) am right

"If I (a Christian) am right than all of you go to hell but if you guys are right than I will just end up in the ground and forgotten."

Really? You're going to use this sort of argument? If you're going to use Pascal's Wager as an argument, you're in error. Why? I'm an atheist because good, convincing evidence for the existence of God has yet to be presented. I cannot will myself to believe something that I find unreasonably proposed. Also, have you not considered the existence of other gods besides the Christian God? Thousands of Gods have been worshiped, so until you present an adequate argument defending the claim that the Christian God is the correct god, there's simply no good reason to take your claim seriously.

"Jesus loves you all and he came and died for your sins. He is giving all of you a second chance."

That's awfully nice of him. Wait...Is he not responsible for my atheism? Well, he is all-powerful and all-knowing. If he is real and those attributes are correct, he'd know I wouldn't be convinced of his existence, and if he truly loved me as much as you claim, he'd have the power to expose himself in a rational way. Yet, he hasn't. So, going on your presumption of God, this means either one of two things: He cares not for my eternal soul and love is an illusion, or he doesn't exist. The latter is far more probable.

"Many atheist will argue why would a loving God send someone to hell. The answer to that is he doesn't people choose hell over God."

Would God not have the power to keep someone from going to Hell? Wouldn't he possess the capability to do so - if he was in fact all-powerful? I would say yes. Then in that case, he's willfully allowing me to burn in Hell for eternity - over a situation that he was completely in control of. He's still responsible.

Also, does your god operate within a set of unquestionable guidelines? If he doesn't, then he has the power to amend an unpleasant judgement. If he does, then he's not all-powerful.

"When someone dies without him in their heart it breaks is."

Again, if he is all-powerful he could have spared himself the anguish by convincing an atheist that he was real. I'm running the risk of becoming redundant, so I'll leave it at that.

"He loves you all."

Apparently love has a loose definition, specifically once your recognize the gravity of the situation you present.

"Have a great day and God Bless!!!"

I hope you take the time to consider my responses. Take care Michael.

serbianwolf's picture
So basically, you're saying

So basically, you're saying that you're a christian because you're a coward? You're afraid that if you don't believe in god, that you will burn in hell for all eternity? How about this - with so many religions, what if some other religion is true and you're going to suffer in their version of hell anyways? So, regardless what you choose, chances are, you're screwed. So, why bother? As an atheist, at least you can sleep in on Sundays ;)

logicsoldier's picture
i am this fools cusin i

i am this fools cusin i beleive he is stupid but everyone has there chocies no matter what religien where you end up is on what chocies you make.

firebolt's picture
"Here is 1 reason... If I (a

"Here is 1 reason... If I (a Christian) am right than all of you go to hell but if you guys are right than I will just end up in the ground and forgotten. Jesus loves you all and he came and died for your sins. He is giving all of you a second chance. Many atheist will argue why would a loving God send someone to hell. The answer to that is he doesn't people choose hell over God. When someone dies without him in their heart it breaks is. He loves you all. Have a great day and God Bless!!!"
I am not a Christian so I don't pass judgement on others but I do wonder why you are here on a blatantly atheistic forum. You will always get an argument for anything you say and if that is what you want, could you please show us how that is being a good Christian?

Zaphod's picture
Excellent point, I always

Excellent point, I always wonder if these so called Christians are having doubts at first, some though it is apparent are here to make sure we go to hell by making our lives a living one the only motivation i see that makes sens to me for this is doubt as well.

Deidre32's picture
Christianity is just one sect

Christianity is just one sect of beliefs. The Abrahamic faiths are 'versions' of a god, but one can also feel connected to a higher power, or feel spiritual in some way, without adhering to any one religion.

I personally believe that anyone who believes in a god, does so not necessarily through logical thinking, but more...hopeful thinking. Is there ever a reason to believe in a god? To a religious person, yes, because he/she feels a sense of comfort in doing so. It isn't based on logical thinking. Now as an atheist, (but I was a Christian for years prior), I tend to think logically. The relevance of a god to me isn't the same as it was when I was a Christian. In my opinion, belief or not is based on how relevant one believes the need for a deity to exist.

Miguel Phosteur's picture
No. There isn't.

No. There isn't.

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