This book attempts to justify the quote by George Bernard Shaw: “All great truths begin as blasphemies.
Michael Sherlock's Blog
About the Author

I was born and raised in Sydney Australia, but spent many years in Tasmania. I studied social anthropology and sociology at the University of Tasmania and became fascinated by the myths of our ancient ancestors. This fascination led me to study comparative mythology outside of institutional education, which in turn, led me to investigate the true origins of the Bible. Western society has been built upon this collection of primitive superstition, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, rape, infanticide and other arcane and fictitious atrocities, which has spawned much of the insanity underscoring the west. I have authored and published two books and have two more due out this year (2014).
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Part two in a series of pieces that take the believer’s mind to pieces
Part one in a series of pieces that takes the believer’s mind to pieces.
The final part in a three part series on one of the most brutal Christian Inquisitions…Now, where was I? Ah yes, the screams of agony…
Blasphemy laws transform villains into heroes, philanthropists into felons, truth and human rights into crimes and subsequently, order into chaos.