Tips on how to handle holier-than-thou religious status updates that flood your newsfeed and threaten to irreparably damage social media experiences
About the Author
I was raised in a strict Evangelical Christian home in Chicago that incorporated aspects of traditional Judaism (also known as Messianic Judaism). As a teen, my first doubts surrounded the logic of prayer and I became more skeptical as a college undergraduate when I began studying science and the historicity of the Old Testament. A citizen of the world, I have lived overseas for 5 years, exploring places and experiencing diverse cultures. I have worked in start-ups and non-profits and have a Master’s degree in environmental management from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. My interests include travel, the environment, astronomy, movies, sports and my awesome dog Butters.
Tips on how to handle holier-than-thou religious status updates that flood your newsfeed and threaten to irreparably damage social media experiences
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