yeh, jigga. you bin gunnin for my faggot ass for sum time now and now I be gunnin for yo black ass. that jus how that work son. you turn it out and you gon get it back. nuf fuckin said.
Fried Chicken
word is bond. some of the outright dumbest bitches known to mankind is they assbirthin type christians that be all over everywhere proclaimin they faith, but really they ain't knowin' shit bout they ancient book n really they jus be hangin out for da annual church picnic fried chicken, nahmean? these here jiggas ain't read from no holy book since yonkers, if ever, n they aint intendin to do no such thing in no near future neither. like these bitches jus repeatin "praise jesus, praise jesus" with nuthin behind it jus cuz for whatever reason. basically cuz they mad stupid n love fried chicken, nahmean?
Sum Real Faggot Shit
Holy one eyed jesus hoppin on a crutch, fuck is up with y’all DL jigga ministers pimpin yo backsides like y’all in a parade of sluts video with da christian Beyonce herself? jigga be like, shit ma, I gets to wear me a goddamn purple robe which is almos kinda nearly like a fancy ass ball gown, n I aint even gots to return it back to the store on da followin day afta n shit.
Damn son, you really gon practice yo drag act like that right there in the chapel?
N at the same time you be preachin on how a brotha that sodomite anotha brotha n then flip so as the bottom brotha now get his hole n then do a whole bunch of otha fuckery that we ain't even gon get into right now ... you be runnin yo lyin christian mouth sayin that these sodimitin typa brothas gon burn to eternity in they flames of hell with they gnashing teeth n they bottomless pits n alla that bitchmade bullshit? N then on the DL you gon go ride yo self a big ol dick n swallow sum nuts? N you jus stupid enuf to think that we gon give that bitch shit a pass? Y u dumb fag.
word is bond. this here bitch faggot aint nothin but a belly crawlin piece of hoe shit that go round pretendin he somethin he aint (straight) all in order so he can coon with the new massa (thats u jigga) n then do a backflip handstand off the pulpit n go eat an asshole or whatever. praise jesus.
word is bond. this the same faggot jigga that work in the massa house cuz he lighten his skin color. this the same faggot jigga that watch you pick twenty row extra cotton for sumthin he did. this the same faggot jigga that throw your scent to the bloodhounds so he escape n u dont. this the same faggot jigga that crack da whip on his massa behalf n rip it twice as hard.
surpise jigga! This that same faggot jigga! (N yall foolish jiggas be up that faggots ass jus cuz he sing good or whatever. shiiiiiiiit).
ayo, bitch boy! ya aint foolin nobody n jus so happen that we aint for givin out no mo passes for bitch shit DL christian faggotry no mo. yall is on notice. fuck this faggot.
these dumbass formerly oppressed bitches now the new oppressor jus for they love of a church picnic, fried chicken, fried fish, corn bread, pound cake, grape drank, banana puddin, sweet potato pie, mash potato, baked potato, five diffrent typa potato salad n gravy on errything. praise jesus.
... n afta picnikin n prayin n a mad variety of other hoe shit, we all gon pack our christian asses onto the yella christian church bus and we gon sing anotha christian song n we gon drive our bitch selfs to the votin station n we gon smack us down a referendum on equal rights for gay folk like they 3⁄5 fractional persons or sum shit. praise jesus.
n afta we finish all our oppressin bizness, we gon form a circle n we gon hold hands n we gon say our bitch selfs anotha christian prayer askin for mo money to buy mo shiny things n shit. praise jesus.
n then we gon pack our christian asses back onto da yella christian church bus n we gon go back to da church for mo christian singin n mo christian dancin n if they be any potato salad remainin surely da good lord wont mind if I do. praise jesus.
n then we gon haul our christian asses onto the church dance floor n we gon do us sum play actin’ n we gon throw us sum fits n we gon speak us sum tongues n we gon expel us sum bitch demons n shit. praise jesus
n all the fun we be havin at our fakeass church funkshuns is jus about good enuf excuse to follow massa minister n go oppress us sum jiggas that gots a sexual taste for they own kinda junk or whatever. praise jesus.
Failed Skool Didnt Ya?
well now jigga didnt you just turn out well n all? jigga is u really so stupid as to think that your liberty be secured forever? Is u really that much foo? Ayo dummy, when yall was still pickin cotton under da hot mississippi sun, yo own white massa quoted scripture to back his god-given-right to keep all yall in chains n shackles. N now you usin that very same bitchmade book to fuk me over? Guess u forgot how that felt, huh? fuk is wrong witchu jigga?
bitch you aint learn one damn thing all yo years rockin chains and cuffs. not one damn thing.
n aint it embarassin that u done bin outta shackles fo mo than a minute and you still aint learnt nuthin. jigga ya own whipin post aint but 30 yards behind ya n already u turn massa. shame on u jigga.
N Now Imma Let M’ Backhand Slide ...
you, lil jig, go one step downward further. u aint even swing fo a jigga that be bigga than ya self or even for a jigga dat be on da same footin’ as you. no son, like da lil bitch you is, you swing low for the jigga that beneath you, for the jigga that jus now gettin his foot in da door in jus one tiny corner of this planet and shit. U, massa jigga, gun fo the brotha that be #1 mos wanted on da hit list of erry otha oppressor in erry otha motha fukin part of this motha fukin world. Ayo stupid, didnt ya know? all the massas be comin at us with they various imma-fuk-u-over holy books that they aint never read n shit. dummy u aint even original n you mad low.
fact of the matter is that better ancientbookmassas than u is even lychin us (only it be called hangin jus cuz it the official state policy likes). remember when the godly moralists watched you swing jus for lookin sideways at a white bitch? guess ya forgot how that felt too, huh? still feels tight round the neck jigga. still makes breathin kinda difficult jigga. still makes keepin yo eyes from buggin out ya head real kinda hard jigga. still makes keepin ya tongue from lollin out yo skull sorta problematic jigga. still makes swallowin a chore jigga. ... yeh yeh, aint you exactly slide the noose round my neck (yet), but aint like Id put it past ya neither. xo
... look ma! I forgots to take da ringbling off before I let the backhand slide. N now ya face all shredded n ya eye all bleedin .... awwww shiiiiiit. U SHOULDA KNOWN BETTER. OPPRESSOR 4 NUTHIN.
Dont Get It Twisted. Fuck You
assbleed white crackers. nahmean?
but the tru fact of the matter is that a brotha cant speak truth to power all day without auto combustin due to mad reality overload or sum such related shit. that jus be the way that is. that jus how the shit work son. so before ya boi do an on da spot flambe he gon have to land it right here and go get his buddha on with some deep chill yoga pant wearin lotus style sittin jasmine type burnin meditational type shit. aiight. payce. one luv.
props to big ghost. respect.
Photo Credit: NYMag