The irreconcilable difference between believers and nonbelievers is in the ability to accept without questioning.
About the Author
I am nineteen years old and an inhabitant of the United States. My favorite subject is philosophy, and I can never get enough debate. My friends often comment I do not know when to stop. What I lack in life experience I attempt to make up for in curiosity; I often probe with what could be called socratic questioning to get answers I do not know. I am a strong advocate of critical thinking, no belief should be set in stone. Lastly, I blog and help run the page for an atheist/secular based company called Absence of Clothing.
The irreconcilable difference between believers and nonbelievers is in the ability to accept without questioning.
Why was religion created? Humans are known as the users of tools, so what does that say about religion as a man made concept?
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