My simple theoretical musing about the human brain and its quest to find meaning in meaninglessness.
Randall Hogan's Blog
About the Author

I am a fortysomething father, husband, network engineer, programmer, ex-preacher, skeptic and inexhaustible questioner of everything. Raised in conservative Texas, USA by extremely religious parents, I set out to change the world as a Pentecostal preacher at the age of 16. After twenty years of ministry, I came to realize my closest confident, my best friend, was only a figment of my imagination. After reshaping my worldview through education, logic and reason have become a true source of inspiration and I may, finally, have a story to tell.
Follow Randall Hogan on twitter : @code_meister
An atheist’s ironic exposition and defense of rational faith and the hidden toxic element in religious faith.
A former believer’s take on “myside bias” and the success and failure of modern Christian apologetics.
The true absurdity of New Testament logic is uncovered by the application of text linguistics to Paul’s writing on atheism and homosexuality.
Have YHWH’s communication skills rendered poor Pascal’s wager statistically impossible for the Christian?